



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2025; 4: (1) ; 165-167 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.20250053.

Combined application of physical therapy and rehabilitation training in pelvic floor muscle repair nursing after abortion

作者: 刘谊波 *, 黄晓云

广西壮族自治区南溪山医院 广西桂林

*通讯作者: 刘谊波,单位:广西壮族自治区南溪山医院 广西桂林;

发布时间: 2025-01-20 总浏览量: 84


目的 分析人流术后盆底肌修复护理中开展物理治疗与康复训练的联合应用效果。方法 本次研究的时间范围为2024年9月份至2024年10月份,患者的数量为50例。分成对照组与实验组,每组25例患者,对照组物理治疗,实验物理治疗联合康复训练,分析两组患者的治疗效果以及II类肌纤维改善情况。结果 实验组患者的治疗效果更佳,II类肌纤维指标显优,(P<0.05)。结论 对人流术后盆底肌修复护理中提供物理治疗与康复训练,可以提升患者的治疗效果,改善其肌纤维指标,促进其恢复,值得提倡。

关键词: 人流术后;盆底肌修复;物理治疗;康复训练


Objective To analyze the combined application effect of physical therapy and rehabilitation training in pelvic floor muscle repair nursing after abortion.
Methods The time frame of this study was from September 2024 to October 2024, and the number of patients was 50. They were divided into control group and experimental group, 25 patients in each group, physical therapy in control group, experimental physical therapy combined with rehabilitation training, and the therapeutic effect and improvement of Class II muscle fibers in the two groups were analyzed.
Results The treatment effect of the experimental group was better, and the index of Class II muscle fiber was significantly better (P<0.05).
Conclusion   Providing physical therapy and rehabilitation training for pelvic floor muscle repair nursing after abortion can improve the therapeutic effect of patients, improve their muscle fiber indexes, and promote their recovery, which is worth advocating.

Key words: After abortion; Pelvic floor muscle repair; Physical therapy; Rehabilitation training

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