目的 分析胃肠外科手术用全程连续性护理干预的价值。方法 随机均分2022年4月-2024年3月本院接诊胃肠外科手术病人(n=96)。试验组采取全程连续性护理干预,对照组行常规护理。对比VAS评分等指标。结果 关于VAS评分:干预后,试验组低于对照组(P<0.05)。并发症:试验组2.08%,对照组16.67%,比较发现:试验组数据更低(P<0.05)。结论 胃肠外科手术用全程连续性护理,病人的疼痛感更轻,并发症也更少。
关键词: 胃肠外科手术;价值;全程连续性护理干预;疼痛
Objective To analyze the value of continuous nursing intervention for gastrointestinal surgery. Methods Patients who underwent gastrointestinal surgery in our hospital from April 2022 to March 2024 were randomly divided into two groups (n=96). The experimental group adopted continuous nursing intervention throughout the whole process, and the control group received routine nursing. VAS scores and other indicators were compared. Results Regarding VAS score: after intervention, the experimental group was lower than the control group (P<0.05). Complications: 2.08% in the experimental group and 16.67% in the control group. The comparison found that the data in the experimental group was lower (P<0.05). Conclusion Gastrointestinal surgery uses continuous nursing throughout the whole process, and patients feel less pain and have fewer complications.
Key words: Gastrointestinal surgery; Value; Continuous nursing intervention throughout the whole process; Pain
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