



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2025; 4: (1) ; 111-113 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.20250036.

Application effect of clinical nursing intervention in nursing work of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in elderly patients and influence on quality of life of patients

作者: 杨冬妮 *

广西桂平市人民医院 广西桂平

*通讯作者: 杨冬妮,单位:广西桂平市人民医院 广西桂平;

发布时间: 2025-01-19 总浏览量: 116


目的 分析讨论临床护理干预在老年慢阻肺护理工作中的应用效果及对患者生存质量的影响效果。方法 选择医院2021.06-2024.06收治的80例老年慢阻肺患者,随机数字法分为研究组(临床护理干预)对照组(常规护理干预)。比较两组护理前后血气分析指标和心理状况及生活质量。结果 1.护理后研究组血气分析指标[脉氧分压(64.18±5.73)mmHg,动脉二氧化碳分压(45.48±7.84)mmHg,血氧饱和度(96.13±4.35)%]优于对照组,(P<0.05);2.研究组心理状况(33.6±2.1分,40.32±4.43分)比对照组好,(P<0.05);3.研究组生活质量[躯体功能(78.32±7.23)分,角色功能(76.31±8.15)分,情绪功能(79.85±6.43)分,认知功能(82.82±9.58)分,社会功能(81.56±8.37)分]高于对照组,(P<0.05)。结论 临床护理干预对老年慢阻肺患者护理效果明显,可提高生存质量,值得广泛推广与应用。

关键词: 临床护理干预;老年慢阻肺;应用效果;生存质量


Objective To analyze and discuss the application effect of clinical nursing intervention in geriatric COPD care and its effect on patient quality of life.
Methods 80 elderly patients with COPD admitted to hospital 2021.06-2024.06 were selected by random numbers method into study group (clinical nursing intervention) control group (routine nursing intervention). The blood gas analysis index and psychological status and quality of life were compared between the two groups.
Results 1. Blood gas analysis index of the nursing study group [pulse oxygen partial pressure (64.18 ± 5.73) mmHg, PCO 2 (45.48 ± 7.84) mmHg, Oxygen saturation (96.13 ± 4.35)%] was better than the control group, (P<0.05); 2. Psychological status of the study group (33.6 ± 2.1 points, 40.32 ± 4.43 points) was better than the control group, (P<0.05); 3. Quality of life [somatic function (78.32 ± 7.23), Character function (76.31 ± 8.15) points, Emotional function (79.85 ± 6.43) score, Cognitive function (82.82 ± 9.58) score, Social function (81.56 ± 8.37) score] is higher than the control group, (P<0.05).
Conclusion   Clinical nursing intervention has obvious effect on elderly COPD patients, and can improve the quality of life, which is worthy of extensive promotion and application.

Key words: Clinical nursing intervention; elderly COPD; Application effect; Quality of life

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杨冬妮, 临床护理干预在老年慢阻肺护理工作中的应用效果及对患者生存质量的影响[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2025; 4: (1) : 111-113.