目的 探析口腔科门诊采用不同护理管理模式对控制医院感染风险的影响。方法 选取2023年1月-2023年8月期间(实行常规护理管理)口腔门诊收治的63例患者作为对照组研究对象,另选2023年9月-2024年4月期间(实行风险护理管理)口腔门诊收治的63例患者作为观察组研究对象,分析两种护理管理模式的应用效果。结果 观察组护理质量、操作合格率均明显高于对照组,医院感染发生率明显低于对照组,P<0.05,有统计学意义。结论 相比常规护理管理模式,风险护理管理对医院感染的控制效果更为理想,同时可以显著提高护理质量,进而为患者提供更高水平的医疗服务。
关键词: 护理管理;风险管理;口腔门诊;护理质量;医院感染
Objective To explore the influence of different nursing management models on controlling the risk of hospital infection. Methods Select 63 patients from January 2023-2023 (August 2023) oral clinic as the control group, select September 2023-April 2024 (risk care management) 63 patients as the observation group, analyze the application effect of two nursing management mode. Results The quality of nursing and qualified rate of operation in the observation group were significantly higher than that of the control group, and the incidence of nosocomial infection was significantly lower than that of the control group, P <0.05, which was significant. Conclusion Compared with the routine nursing management mode, risk nursing management has a more ideal effect on hospital infection control, and can significantly improve the quality of nursing, and then provide patients with a higher level of medical services for them.
Key words: Nursing management; Risk management; Oral outpatient service; Nursing quality; Nosocomial infection
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