目的 神经外科是当前临床的重点科室之一,患者大部分为颅脑损伤和脑血管疾病等,气管切开是维持神经外科重症患者呼吸道通畅的重要措施,为确保患者的呼吸通畅,有效清除呼吸道内的分泌物,本文探究坐位与侧卧位排痰在神经外科病人气管切开护理中的应用效果。方法 此次针对在我院神经外科接受气管切开治疗合并肺部感染的患者分别使用坐位与侧卧位排痰护理,对比两组患者护理效果。结果 采用坐位排痰护理的患者在临床各项指标和病情恢复时间均优于侧卧位排痰患者,P<0.05说明存在对比意义。结论 坐位排痰无论在排痰效果、生命体征改善,还是在促进患者总体康复方面,都显示出明显的优势,因此在未来的临床护理中,应优先考虑采取坐位排痰的方式,以帮助患者更好地恢复。
关键词: 神经外科病人;气管切开护理;坐位;侧卧位;排痰;应用效果
Objective Neurosurgery is one of the key clinical departments at present. Most of the patients suffer from craniocerebral injury and cerebrovascular disease. Tracheotomy is an important measure to maintain the patency of the airway in critically ill patients of neurosurgery. In order to ensure the patient's unobstructed breathing and effectively clear the secretions in the respiratory tract, this paper explores the application effect of sitting and lateral position expectoration in the nursing of tracheotomy patients in neurosurgery. Methods This time, the patients who received tracheotomy treatment and lung infection in the neurosurgery department of our hospital were treated with sitting and lateral position expectoration nursing, and the nursing effect of the two groups of patients was compared. Results The patients who adopted sitting position expectoration nursing were better than those who adopted lateral position expectoration in various clinical indicators and disease recovery time, P<0.05 indicated that there was a comparative significance. Conclusion Sitting position expectoration showed obvious advantages in expectoration effect, improvement of vital signs, and promotion of overall recovery of patients. Therefore, in future clinical nursing, sitting position expectoration should be given priority to help patients recover better.
Key words: Neurosurgery patients; Tracheotomy nursing; Sitting position; Lateral position; Expectoration; Application effect
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