



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2025; 4: (1) ; 20-23 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.20250007.

Application of operating room detail nursing in operating room nursing safety

作者: 赵琴 *, 郭洋

上海长征医院 上海

*通讯作者: 赵琴,单位:上海长征医院 上海;

发布时间: 2025-01-14 总浏览量: 162


目的 探究手术室细节护理在手术室护理中的运用价值。方法 2023年11月~2024年11月,取我院手术患者114例,以数表法随机分组,各组均57例,将手术室常规护理、细节护理分别给予对照组、观察组,组间价值分析。结果 观察组护理质量(92.14±5.13)分、(94.22±5.26)分、(93.26±5.38)分、(94.12±5.21)分、(92.71±5.46)分、手术指标(3.23±1.04)min、(70.23±5.36)min、(8.63±1.25)d、不良事件(0.00%)、(5.26%)、(7.02%)、满意度(91.23%)数值均较对照组(83.82±5.26)分、(81.61±5.19)分、(82.45±5.24)分、(80.76±5.32)分、(82.23±5.54)分、(7.21±2.05)min、(89.11±5.24)min、(12.65±1.54)d、(8.77%)、(17.54%)、(26.32%)、(91.23%)更优(P<0.05)。结论 手术室护理安全中开展细节护理获极佳效用,可作为优选。

关键词: 手术室护理;细节护理;满意度;护理质量;手术指标


Objective To explore the application value of operating room detail nursing in operating room nursing.
Methods From November 2023 to November 2024, 114 surgical patients in our hospital were randomly divided into groups using the number table method, with 57 cases in each group. Routine operating room nursing and detail nursing were given to the control group and the observation group respectively, and the inter-group value analysis was performed.
Results The nursing quality of the observation group was (92.14±5.13) points, (94.22±5.26) points, (93.26±5.38) points, (94.12±5.21) points, (92.71±5.46) points, the operation index was (3.23±1.04) min, (70.23±5.36) min, (8.63±1.25) d, the number of adverse events was (0.00%), (5.26%), (7.02%), and the satisfaction rate was (91.23%). The values were better than those of the control group (83.82±5.26), (81.61±5.19), (82.45±5.24), (80.76±5.32), (82.23±5.54), (7.21±2.05) min, (89.11±5.24) min, (12.65±1.54) d, (8.77%), (17.54%), (26.32%), (91.23%) (P<0.05).
Conclusion   Detailed nursing in operating room nursing safety has achieved excellent results and can be used as a preferred option.

Key words: Operating room nursing; Detailed nursing; Satisfaction; Nursing quality; Surgical indicators

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