



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2024; 3: (12) ; 150-153 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.20240633.

Survey on the current status of Guangzhou citizens' familiarity with the use of AED

作者: 屈健敏 *, 郑月花, 汤娜, 邓奕辉

暨南大学附属广东省第二人民医院 广东广州

*通讯作者: 屈健敏,单位:暨南大学附属广东省第二人民医院 广东广州;

发布时间: 2024-12-26 总浏览量: 137


目的 本调查主要评估广州市民对自动体外心脏除颤器(AED)的熟悉程度及其使用意愿。方法 通过在线问卷的形式,在2024年5月-2024年8月广州市对600名居民进行调查。问卷设计有对AED基本知识的了解、未经培训下的使用意愿、在公共场所的目击经历、救助免责法律条款的知晓情况及对AED学习兴趣等共17个调查项目。结果 调查结果显示,有158人(26.33%)能准确描述AED的功能和使用场景,308人(51.33%)曾在公共场所见过AED设备。超过357人(59.5%)的受访者表示对学习AED使用方法感兴趣,但仅107人(17.83%)愿意自费参加培训。多数受访者(481人,80.17%)认为应由政府推动AED教育普及。此外,334人(55.67%)的已培训受访者愿意将所学知识传授给他人。结论 广州市民对AED的总体了解较低,但对学习急救技能的兴趣较高,尽管付费意愿不强。日后要加强广州市民对于AED相关知识普及,建议由政府主导在公共教育中加强急救技能的培训和AED设备的可见度。此外,建议通过免费或低成本的教育项目来提高公众的参与度和准备性。

关键词: 自动体外心脏除颤器(AED);公共健康教育;急救设备普及;培训参与意愿;公共场所安全


Objective This survey mainly evaluates the familiarity of Guangzhou citizens with automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) and their willingness to use them.
Methods A survey was conducted in Guangzhou from May to August 2024 in the form of an online questionnaire among 600 residents. The questionnaire was designed with 17 survey items, including basic knowledge of AEDs, willingness to use without training, witnessing experience in public places, knowledge of legal provisions on rescue exemption, and interest in learning AEDs.
Results The survey results showed that 158 people (26.33%) could accurately describe the functions and usage scenarios of AEDs, and 308 people (51.33%) had seen AED devices in public places. More than 357 people (59.5%) of the respondents expressed interest in learning how to use AEDs, but only 107 people (17.83%) were willing to participate in training at their own expense. Most respondents (481 people, 80.17%) believed that the government should promote the popularization of AED education. In addition, 334 (55.67%) of the trained respondents were willing to pass on their knowledge to others.
Conclusion   Guangzhou citizens have a low overall understanding of AED, but are more interested in learning first aid skills, although their willingness to pay is not strong. In the future, in order to strengthen the popularization of AED-related knowledge among Guangzhou citizens, it is recommended that the government take the lead in strengthening the training of first aid skills and the visibility of AED equipment in public education. In addition, it is recommended to increase public participation and preparedness through free or low-cost education programs.

Key words: Automated external defibrillator (AED); Public health education; popularization of first aid equipment; Willingness to participate in training; Safety in public places

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屈健敏, 郑月花, 汤娜, 邓奕辉, 广州市民对AED使用熟悉度现状调查[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2024; 3: (12) : 150-153.