



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2024; 3: (12) ; 110-112 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.20240620.

Effect of acupuncture combined with rehabilitation nursing on patients with dysphagia after stroke

作者: 余雅1 *, 余琪2

1 西安市中医医院 陕西西安

2 西安市第四医院 陕西西安

*通讯作者: 余雅,单位: 西安市中医医院 陕西西安;

发布时间: 2024-12-24 总浏览量: 87


目的 研究针灸与康复护理相结合对脑卒中所致吞咽困难患者的影响。方法 依据随机化分配原则,将我院所收治的100名脑卒中后吞咽困难患者被均衡地分为两个组别:对照组(含50名患者,接受常规的康复护理措施)与研究组(含50名患者,采纳针灸与康复护理相结合的方案)。系统性地搜集、整理并深入分析了两组病患的护理效果,并进行了比较。结果 相较于对照组,研究组在吞咽功能的恢复上展现出了更为显著的改善;并且,研究组的患者对于护理服务的满意度也呈现出明显更高的态势。所有差异均达到了统计学上的显著水平(P<0.05)。结论 针对脑卒中后伴有吞咽困难的患者,实施针灸与康复护理的联合干预策略,能够显著提升其吞咽功能的恢复效果,增强患者对护理服务的满意度,并促进整体康复成效的优化。

关键词: 针灸;康复护理;脑卒中;吞咽困难


Objective To study the effect of acupuncture combined with rehabilitation nursing on patients with dysphagia caused by stroke.
Methods Based on the principle of random allocation, 100 patients with dysphagia after stroke admitted to our hospital were evenly divided into two groups: a control group (containing 50 patients, receiving conventional rehabilitation nursing measures) and a study group ( A total of 50 patients were included and a combination of acupuncture and rehabilitation care was adopted). The nursing effects of the two groups of patients were systematically collected, organized, and deeply analyzed, and then compared.
Results Compared with the control group, the study group showed more significant improvement in the recovery of swallowing function; and the patients in the study group also showed a significantly higher satisfaction with nursing services. All differences reached statistically significant levels (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   For patients with dysphagia after stroke, the combined intervention strategy of acupuncture and rehabilitation nursing can significantly improve the recovery of their swallowing function, enhance patients' satisfaction with nursing services, and promote the optimization of overall rehabilitation results.

Key words: Acupuncture; Rehabilitation nursing; Stroke; Dysphagia

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