



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2024; 3: (12) ; 107-109 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.20240619.

Effect of individualized nursing intervention on blood glucose level and adverse pregnancy outcomes in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus

作者: 李萍 *

景洪市第一人民医院 云南景洪

*通讯作者: 李萍,单位:景洪市第一人民医院 云南景洪;

发布时间: 2024-12-24 总浏览量: 99


目的 分析个体化护理干预对妊娠糖尿病患者血糖水平及不良妊娠结局的影响。方法 参与本次研究患者的数量为80例,研究的起始时间为2023年1月份,截止时间为2023年12月份,研究为期一年,将患者分成两组,对照组与实验组,每组患者的数量为40例,对照组患者提供常规护理,实验组患者提供个体化护理干预,分析,分析两组患者的血糖水平、不良妊娠结局。结果 两组患者通过提供不同的干预措施后,实验组患者的血糖水平更为稳定,p<0.05,分析患者的不良妊娠结局,实验组发生率更低,p<0.05。结论 对妊娠期糖尿病患者提供个体化护理干预,可以改善患者的血糖水平,降低不良妊娠结局的产生,值得提倡。

关键词: 个体化护理;妊娠糖尿病;血糖水平;不良妊娠结局


Objective To analyze the effect of individualized nursing intervention on blood glucose level and adverse pregnancy outcomes in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus.
Methods The number of patients participating in this study was 80. The start time of the study was January 2023 and the end time was December 2023. The study lasted for one year. The patients were divided into two groups, the control group and the experimental group. The number of patients in each group was 40. The control group patients provided routine care, and the experimental group patients provided individualized nursing intervention. The blood glucose levels and adverse pregnancy outcomes of the two groups of patients were analyzed.
Results After providing different intervention measures to the two groups of patients, the blood glucose levels of the experimental group patients were more stable, p<0.05. The incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes of the patients was lower in the experimental group, p<0.05.
Conclusion   Providing individualized nursing intervention for patients with gestational diabetes can improve the blood glucose level of patients and reduce the occurrence of adverse pregnancy outcomes, which is worth promoting.

Key words: Individualized nursing; Gestational diabetes; Blood glucose level; Adverse pregnancy outcomes

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