目的 明确输液加温仪结合手术室护理对宫腔镜手术患者的影响。方法 研究纳入2023年10月-2024年10月中接受宫腔镜手术治疗的76例患者,对各个患者进行随机编号后采取随机抽取法安排为两组,对照组与观察组分别39、37例患者,对照组行常规护理干预,观察组行输液加温仪结合手术室护理干预,对不同干预效果进行比较分析。结果 观察组不同时间段体温数据值更高,观察组总并发症例数占比更少,P值结果<0.05,统计学差异大。结论 于宫腔镜手术患者中施以输液加温仪结合手术室护理措施,有助于帮助患者维持稳定体温,减少相关并发症发生风险,这对提高宫腔镜手术护理安全性有着重要意义。
关键词: 宫腔镜手术;输液加温仪;手术室护理
Objective To clarify the effect of infusion warmer combined with operating room nursing on patients undergoing hysteroscopic surgery. Methods A total of 76 patients who underwent hysteroscopic surgery from October 2023 to mid-October 2024 were included in the study. After each patient was randomly numbered, they were randomly selected into two groups, with 39 and 37 patients in the control group and the observation group, respectively. The control group received conventional nursing intervention, and the observation group received infusion warmer combined with operating room nursing intervention. The effects of different interventions were compared and analyzed. Results The temperature data values of the observation group were higher in different time periods, and the total number of complications in the observation group accounted for less, with a P value of <0.05, and a large statistical difference. Conclusion The application of infusion warmer combined with operating room nursing measures in patients undergoing hysteroscopic surgery can help patients maintain a stable body temperature and reduce the risk of related complications, which is of great significance to improving the safety of hysteroscopic surgery nursing.
Key words: Hysteroscopy surgery; Infusion warmer; Surgical Room Nursing
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