目的 探究人文关怀在于儿童手术麻醉护理工作中的应用价值,对比分析人文关怀护理与常规护理在儿童手术麻醉中的护理效果差异。方法 选取某医院在2022年1月至2023年6月期间收治的70例手术患儿作为研究对象,按照随机抽签法分为一般组和实验组,每组35例。一般组采取常规护理,实验组在常规护理的基础上采取人文关怀护理。通过对比分析两组的护理效果、护理满意度,判定应用价值。结果 实验组患者护理效果与患者护理满意度明显高于一般组,两组间数据有明显统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论 人文关怀护理在儿童手术麻醉护理工作中具有显著优势,能够有效提升护理效果,提高护理满意度,值得在临床护理中推广应用。
关键词: 人文关怀;儿童手术;麻醉护理;护理效果
Objective To explore the application value of humanistic care in the anesthesia nursing of children's surgery, and to compare and analyze the difference in nursing effects between humanistic care nursing and conventional nursing in anesthesia of children's surgery. Methods A total of 70 children undergoing surgery admitted to a hospital from January 2022 to June 2023 were selected as research subjects and divided into a general group and an experimental group by random drawing, with 35 cases in each group. The general group received routine nursing, and the experimental group received humanistic care nursing on the basis of routine nursing. The application value was determined by comparing and analyzing the nursing effects and nursing satisfaction of the two groups. Results The nursing effect and nursing satisfaction of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the general group, and there were significant statistical differences between the two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion Humanistic care nursing has significant advantages in pediatric surgical anesthesia nursing, can effectively improve nursing effects and improve nursing satisfaction, and is worthy of promotion and application in clinical nursing.
Key words: Humanistic care; Pediatric surgery; Anesthesia care; Nursing effect
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