目的 探究前列腺增生症患者护理中,运用思维导图进行循证护理的实际效用。方法 在我院选取100例前列腺增生症患者作为研究对象,通过随机分组法,将其分为对照组(50例,接受常规护理)与试验组(50例,采纳思维导图为基础的循证护理)。对两组的护理成效进行了收集、分析以及对比。结果 相较于对照组,试验组患者的术后康复时长显著缩短,且并发症的发生率也明显更低,两组间的差异均达到了统计学上的显著性水平(P<0.05)。结论 在前列腺增生症患者的护理中,运用思维导图为基础的循证护理方法,能够有效减少患者的术后复原时长,并降低并发症的发生率,在临床医学领域内展现出优异的应用成效。
关键词: 思维导图;循证护理;前列腺增生症;并发症
Objective To explore the practical effectiveness of evidence-based nursing using mind mapping in the nursing of patients with prostatic hyperplasia. Methods A total of 100 patients with prostatic hyperplasia were selected in our hospital as research subjects and randomly divided into a control group (50 cases, receiving routine care) and an experimental group (50 cases, adopting an evidence-based nursing method based on mind mapping). care). The nursing outcomes of the two groups were collected, analyzed and compared. Results Compared with the control group, the postoperative recovery time of the experimental group was significantly shortened, and the incidence of complications was significantly lower. The differences between the two groups reached a statistically significant level (P < 0.05 ). Conclusion In the nursing of patients with prostatic hyperplasia, the use of evidence-based nursing methods based on mind mapping can effectively reduce the postoperative recovery time of patients and reduce the incidence of complications, showing excellent application in the field of clinical medicine.
Key words: Mind mapping; Evidence-based nursing; Prostatic hyperplasia; Complications
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