



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2024; 3: (12) ; 31-34 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.20240595.

Observation on hyperbaric oxygen physiotherapy and rehabilitation in postoperative care of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage

作者: 张宁 *, 林小倩, 韦嘉欣

南部战区海军第一医院 广东湛江

*通讯作者: 张宁,单位:南部战区海军第一医院 广东湛江;

发布时间: 2024-12-22 总浏览量: 102


目的 该研究以对照形式展开,重点验证、分析、探讨高压氧理疗康复在高血压脑出血术后护理中的应用效果,旨在为临床研究提供理论与实践参照,更好的推进其发展进程的迈进,充分保障患者生命健康,实现理想预后。方法 设立2023年2月至2024年2月为本项研究的开展期限,纳入上述时段院内收治高血压脑出血患者为分析样本,纳入例数共68例,迎合本项研究要求,遵循“奇偶分组”原则,采用数字编号法对其进行组间划分,将1--68数字进行随机排列,奇数患者划入A组(n=34):提供常规护理服务方案,偶数患者划入B组(n=34):提供常规护理+高压氧理疗康复护理,各自执行差异性护理方案后,对比两组患者各项数据指标的差异,作出评价阐述。采用t检测(正态计量数据);采用χ2检验(计数资料);计算均数以(͞x±s)代替。结果 研究结束后,统计学分析后可知,面对相同疾病情况的患者,采用不同形式的护理干预策略,所得效果也随之不同,B组患者在脑组织微循环指标[临界压力(CP)、动态阻力(Dr)、脉搏速度(Wv)]、神经功能、日常生活能力方面体现,均显优A组,以切实数据充分体现了实验价值,存在探讨意义。结论 对于高血压脑出血术后患者而言,在其临床护理方案的横向选择中,建议优先采纳文中B组实施方案,即常规护理+高压氧理疗康复护理, 该项护理方案可作为一项值得信赖的护理形式进行推广,不仅能切实改善患者脑组织微循环功能,提高患者神经功能康复效果,同时,还可极大提高患者日常生活能力,值得借鉴。

关键词: 高压氧理疗康复;高血压脑出血;术后护理;观察


Objective This study was carried out in a controlled form, focusing on verifying, analyzing, and exploring the application effect of hyperbaric oxygen physiotherapy and rehabilitation in postoperative care of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage, aiming to provide theoretical and practical references for clinical research, better promote its development process, fully protect the life and health of patients, and achieve ideal prognosis.
Methods The period from February 2023 to February 2024 was set as the research period. Patients with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage admitted to the hospital during the above period were included as the analysis samples. A total of 68 cases were included. In accordance with the requirements of this study, the "odd-even grouping" principle was followed. The numbers 1--68 were randomly arranged. Odd-numbered patients were divided into group A (n=34): provided with conventional nursing service plan, and even-numbered patients were divided into group B (n=34): provided with conventional nursing + hyperbaric oxygen physiotherapy rehabilitation nursing. After each group implemented the differential nursing plan, the differences in various data indicators of the two groups of patients were compared and evaluated. The t test (normal measurement data) was used; the χ2 test (counting data) was used; the mean was calculated by (͞x±s) instead.
Results After the study, statistical analysis showed that for patients with the same disease, different forms of nursing intervention strategies were used, and the results were different. The patients in group B were significantly better than those in group A in terms of brain tissue microcirculation indicators [critical pressure (CP), dynamic resistance (Dr), pulse speed (Wv)], neurological function, and daily living ability. The actual data fully reflected the value of the experiment and had the significance of discussion.
Conclusion   For patients after surgery for hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage, in the horizontal selection of their clinical nursing plans, it is recommended to give priority to the implementation plan of group B in the article, that is, conventional nursing + hyperbaric oxygen physiotherapy rehabilitation nursing. This nursing plan can be promoted as a trustworthy nursing form, which can not only effectively improve the microcirculation function of the patient's brain tissue and improve the rehabilitation effect of the patient's neurological function, but also greatly improve the patient's daily living ability, which is worth learning from.

Key words: Hyperbaric oxygen physiotherapy rehabilitation; Hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage; Postoperative nursing; Observation

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张宁, 林小倩, 韦嘉欣, 高压氧理疗康复在高血压脑出血术后护理中的观察[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2024; 3: (12) : 31-34.