目的 观察全身麻醉患者采用保温护理的应用效果,方法 选取2022年11月至2023年11月我院收治的64例接受全身麻醉手术的患者作为观察对象,随机分为对照组和观察组,对照组采用常规护理,观察组在此基础上给予保温护理,对比两组患者术后寒战,躁动发生率、苏醒时间、住院时间及拔管时间。结果 观察组患者寒战及躁动发生率低于对照组,苏醒时间、住院时间及拔管时间短于对照组,其差异均有意义(P<0.05)。结论 保温护理在全身麻醉患者的应用效果显著,可以有效降低寒战,躁动发生率,缩短苏醒时间、住院时间及拔管时间,对提高全身麻醉患者手术安全性及术后恢复质量具有重要意义,值得在临床护理中进一步推广应用。
关键词: 保温护理;全身麻醉;应用效果
Objective To observe the effect of thermal insulation nursing on patients under general anesthesia. Methods A total of 64 patients who underwent general anesthesia in our hospital from November 2022 to November 2023 were selected as the observation subjects and randomly divided into a control group and an observation group. The control group received routine nursing, and the observation group was given warming nursing on this basis. The incidence of postoperative chills and agitation, awakening time, hospital stay and extubation time were compared between the two groups. Results The incidence of chills and agitation in the observation group was lower than that in the control group, and the awakening time, hospital stay and extubation time were shorter than those in the control group, and the differences were significant (P<0.05). Conclusion The application of thermal insulation nursing in patients under general anesthesia has significant effects, which can effectively reduce the incidence of chills and agitation, shorten the awakening time, hospitalization time and extubation time, and is of great significance to improving the safety of surgery and the quality of postoperative recovery in patients under general anesthesia. It is worthy of further promotion and application in clinical nursing.
Key words: Warming care; General anesthesia; Application effect
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