



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2024; 3: (10) ; 94-96 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.20240499.

Value of multidimensional care models in the care of patients with chronic HF

作者: 莫利丹, 刘颖, 李琴 *

湘潭市中心医院 湖南湘潭

*通讯作者: 李琴,单位:湘潭市中心医院 湖南湘潭;

发布时间: 2024-10-29 总浏览量: 250


目的 本文重点,针对多维度护理模式在慢性心衰患者护理中的影响意义展开分析研讨,期待能将所有研究成果应用至实践中去,为临床提供有价值的理论参考与实践依据。方法 本次实验所选研究样本均为笔者院内收治的慢性心衰患者,人数共计70例,实验开展期限为2022年11月至2023年11月之间,分组安排采用,数字编号法,将70例患者按照1--70的顺序自然编号,奇偶数分别划入参照组与研究组,每组(n=35),同时将不同护理干预策略实施其中,参照组:提供常规护理服务方案,研究组:实施常规护理的同时,增添多维度护理模式,最终对两组临床资料、相关数据展开收集整理,统计归纳,利用统计学方法予以比对。比对范围涉及:心理情绪变化、心功能改善情况、生活质量评分及护理满意程度。结果 实验过后,组间相较,干预策略相较,研究组患者在上述各项指标数值的体现上,均显优参照组(P<0.05),存在可比价值,值得探讨。结论 在本次实验中,侧重评价多维度护理模式对慢性心衰患者身心健康、生活质量、治疗效果的影响意义,目的在于通过对比方式,寻求一种科学、有效、完善的护理干预策略,为此类患者生命健康保驾护航。结局所得明确,多维度护理模式的融入与采纳,既有效缓解了患者不良情绪状态,改善了患者心功能,使其生活质量得到有效提高,同时,还极大促进了护患关系的和谐与融洽,使护理满意度得到显著提高,建议优先选择。

关键词: 多维度护理模式;慢性心衰患者;护理中;价值


Objective This paper focuses on the analysis and discussion of the influence of multi-dimensional care model in the care of chronic heart failure patients, and expects to apply all the research results to practice to provide valuable theoretical reference and practical basis for clinical practice.
Methods The selected study samples of this experiment were all patients with chronic heart failure admitted in the hospital, The total number of 70 cases, The duration of the experiment was between November 2022 and November 2023, Group arrangement is adopted, Digital numbering method, The 70 patients were naturally numbered in the order of 1 – 70, The dd and even numbers are classified into the reference group and study group, Each group (n=35), While implementing different nursing intervention strategies among them, Reference group: providing routine care services, Study group: While implementing usual care, Add a multi-dimensional care model, Finally, the two groups of clinical data and related data were collected and organized, statistic induction, Compare them using statistical methods. The scope of comparison involves: psychological and emotional changes, cardiac function improvement, quality of life score and nursing satisfaction.
Results After the experiment, compared with the groups and the intervention strategy, the patients in the study group showed superiority in the reference group (P <0.05), which had comparable value, which was worth discussing.
Conclusion   In this experiment, it focuses on evaluating the influence of multi-dimensional nursing mode on the physical and mental health, quality of life, and treatment effect of patients with chronic heart failure. The purpose is to seek a scientific, effective and perfect nursing intervention strategy through comparison, so as to protect the life and health of such patients. The outcome is clear, and the integration and adoption of multi-dimensional nursing mode not only effectively alleviates the bad emotional state of patients, improves the patient's heart function, effectively improves the quality of life, but also greatly promotes the harmony and harmony of the relationship between nurses and patients, and significantly improves the nursing satisfaction, it is suggested to give priority.

Key words: Multi-dimensional nursing mode; patients with chronic heart failure; nursing; value

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莫利丹, 刘颖, 李琴, 多维度护理模式在慢性心衰患者护理中的价值[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2024; 3: (10) : 94-96.