



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2024; 3: (8) ; 22-24 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.20240368.

Effect of perioperative precision nursing on rehabilitation of patients with gastrointestinal tumors after minimally invasive surgery

作者: 刘彬 *

国家癌症中心/国家肿瘤临床研究中心/中国医学科学院北京协和医学院肿瘤医院 北京

*通讯作者: 刘彬,单位:国家癌症中心/国家肿瘤临床研究中心/中国医学科学院北京协和医学院肿瘤医院 北京;

发布时间: 2024-08-30 总浏览量: 95


目的 探究围手术期精准护理对胃肠道肿瘤患者微创术后康复的影响。方法 择取2023年1月-2024年1月在我院行微创手术治疗的胃肠道肿瘤患者中的80例作为研究目标,依照患者手术时间顺序予以分组,围手术期常规护理的对照组(40例)、围手术期精准护理的观察组(40例),对比护理效果。结果 观察组患者术后恢复状况、应激反应、疼痛评分、心理状态评分明显优于对照组,并发症发生率更低,P<0.05,存在对比意义。结论 围手术期精准护理对胃肠道肿瘤患者微创术后康复的护理效果显著,有效减轻患者术后机体应激反应,促进患者康复,建议推广应用。

关键词: 围手术期;精准护理;胃肠道肿瘤;微创手术;术后康复


Objective To explore the effect of perioperative precision nursing on the rehabilitation of patients with gastrointestinal tumors after minimally invasive surgery.
Methods A total of 80 patients with gastrointestinal tumors who underwent minimally invasive surgery in our hospital from January 2023 to January 2024 were selected as the study target, and divided into two groups according to the time order of surgery: control group (40 cases) with perioperative routine care and observation group (40 cases) with perioperative precision care.
Results The postoperative recovery status, stress response, pain score and psychological status score of the observation group were significantly better than those of the control group, and the incidence of complications was lower (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   Perioperative precision nursing has significant nursing effect on minimally invasive postoperative rehabilitation of patients with gastrointestinal tumors, effectively reducing the postoperative stress response of patients and promoting the rehabilitation of patients, and it is recommended to promote its application.

Key words: Perioperative period; Precision care; Gastrointestinal tumor; Minimally invasive surgery; Postoperative rehabilitation

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刘彬, 围手术期精准护理对胃肠道肿瘤患者微创术后康复的影响[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2024; 3: (8) : 22-24.