



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2024; 3: (7) ; 169-171 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.20240355.

Influence of evidence-based nursing based on ERAS concept on postoperative complications in patients undergoing kidney stone surgery

作者: 李文婷 *

深圳市光明区人民医院 深圳

*通讯作者: 李文婷,单位:深圳市光明区人民医院 深圳;

发布时间: 2024-07-29 总浏览量: 118


目的 分析评价基于ERAS理念的循证护理在行肾结石手术患者的临床效果,同时围绕术后恢复时间、并发症发生率数据、疼痛评分以及生活质量数据做具体分析概述。方法 实验样本均选自于近年5年在我院接受肾结石手术患者,涉及人数共计100例,依据入院时间的先后顺序作为分组考量,取前50例行常规护理(对照组n=50),后50例采纳基于ERAS理念的循证护理对策(观察组n=50),收集记录两组患者行不同干预后相关数据指标,并借助统计学工具完成分析检验,观察对比结果差异变化。结果 观察组术后排气用时(13.21±2.12)、下床活动用时(9.02±1.54)、术后排便用时(17.16±2.27)、住院所需用时(6.09±1.08)低于对照组;观察组并发症发生率数据:切口渗血/液(2例,2.00%)、切口感染(1例,2.00%)、腹胀(3例,6.00%)、排尿困难(1例,2.00%)、尿路感染(1例,2.00%)均优于对照组;疼痛评分:两组护理前无明显差异,观察组护理后(1.42±0.24)低于对照组;观察组生活质量评分:躯体健康(83.38±2.60)、社会功能(84.26±1.24)、心理功能(84.18±3.29)、生理职能(85.12±1.30)均高于对照组,组间对比P值达到﹤0.05数值,表现出统计学意义。结论 通过将基于ERAS理念的循证护理实施于肾结石手术患者中,能够明显促进术后恢复,缓解术后疼痛,控制并发症发生概率,提高生活质量,整体干预效果确切,值得临床采纳、借鉴。

关键词: 基于ERAS理念的循证护理;肾结石手术;术后并发症


Objective To analyze and evaluate the clinical effects of evidence-based nursing based on ERAS concept in patients undergoing kidney stone surgery, and to specifically analyze and summarize the data on postoperative recovery time, complication rate, pain score and quality of life.
Methods The experimental samples were all selected from patients who received kidney stone surgery in our hospital in recent 5 years, involving a total of 100 patients. According to the order of admission time, the first 50 patients received routine nursing (control group n=50), and the last 50 patients received evidence-based nursing countermeasures based on the concept of ERAS (observation group n=50). The relevant data indicators after different interventions were collected and recorded in the two groups, and the analysis and test were completed with the help of statistical tools to observe the difference in the comparison results.
Results The time of postoperative exhaust (13.21±2.12), the time of getting out of bed (9.02±1.54), the time of postoperative defecation (17.16±2.27) and the time required for hospitalization (6.09±1.08) in the observation group were lower than those in the control group. The incidence of complications in the observation group: incision bleeding/fluid (2 cases, 2.00%), incision infection (1 case, 2.00%), abdominal distension (3 cases, 6.00%), dysuria (1 case, 2.00%) and urinary tract infection (1 case, 2.00%) were all better than those in the control group. Pain score: There was no significant difference between the two groups before care, and the observation group was lower than the control group (1.42±0.24) after care; The quality of life scores of the observation group were higher than those of the control group: physical health (83.38±2.60), social function (84.26±1.24), psychological function (84.18±3.29) and physiological function (85.12±1.30), and the P value of comparison between groups was <0.05, showing statistical significance.
Conclusion   Evidence-based nursing based on ERAS concept can significantly promote postoperative recovery, relieve postoperative pain, control the probability of complications, and improve quality of life in patients with kidney stone surgery. The overall intervention effect is accurate, which is worthy of clinical adoption and reference.

Key words: Evidence-based nursing based on ERAS concept; Kidney stone surgery; Postoperative complication

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李文婷, 基于ERAS理念的循证护理对行肾结石手术患者术后并发症的影响[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2024; 3: (7) : 169-171.