



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2024; 3: (4) ; 103-105 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.20240185.

The application of collaborative nursing model between medical staff and family members in the intervention of pediatric pneumonia

作者: 严睿 *

南通市第一人民医院 江苏南通

*通讯作者: 严睿,单位:南通市第一人民医院 江苏南通;

发布时间: 2024-04-22 总浏览量: 111


目的 本文旨在分析医护与家属协同护理模式在小儿肺炎干预中的应用效果,希望能将所研究理论应用至实践中去,为临床提供有效参照。方法 研讨期限定于2022年10月至2023年10月间,样本出自本时段院内接收的肺炎患儿,人数共110例,采用“平行序贯法”进行分组安排,A组划入人数55例,实行常规护理服务;B组划入人数55例,实行医护与家属协同护理服务,最终对各项数据展开收集整理,对临床资料进行统计分析、全情比对,具体比对范围包括:住院时间、体温恢复正常时间、咳嗽消退时间、肺啰音消失时间、干预后HAMA评分、HAMD评分、护理质量及家属满意度。结果 研究结束后,统计学评估后可知,B组采纳方案更具可实施性、优异性。患儿在上述各项指标数值的体现上均显优另一组(P<0.05),具备可比性,值得探讨。结论 在本次实验中,通过在两组之间开展不同形式干预策略后发现,相比常规护理服务,医护与家属协同护理模式的临床应用价值更高,不仅能有效增强肺炎患儿依从性,改善负性情绪,减轻临床症状,还可极大促进护患关系和谐,提升护理满意度,其应用价值卓越。

关键词: 医护;家属;协同护理模式;小儿肺炎


Objective This paper aims to analyze the application effect of medical care and family members in pediatric pneumonia intervention, hoping to apply the studied theory to practice and provide effective reference for clinical practice.
Methods The discussion period is scheduled between October 2022 and October 2023, Samples were from children with pneumonia received in the hospital during this period, The total number of 110 cases, Using "parallel sequential method" for group arrangement, 55 cases were enrolled in Group A, Implement routine care services; Group B included 55 cases, Implement collaborative nursing services between medical care and family members, Finally, the collection and collation of various data, Statistical analysis of clinical data, full sentiment comparison, The specific scope of comparison includes: length of hospitalization, time of temperature recovery, time of cough regression, time of lung rale disappearance, HAMA score, HAMD score, quality of care and family satisfaction.
Results After the study, after statistical evaluation, the adoption scheme of group B was more feasible and excellent. The children were superior in the value of the above indicators (P < 0.05), which is comparable and is worth discussing.
Conclusion   in this experiment, through between the two groups in different forms of intervention strategy found that compared with the routine nursing service, health care and family collaborative care model clinical application value is higher, not only can effectively enhance pneumonia compliance, improve negative mood, reduce clinical symptoms, can also greatly promote the harmonious relationship between nurses and patients, improve nursing satisfaction, its application value excellence.

Key words: Medical care; Family members; Collaborative nursing mode; Pediatric pneumonia

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严睿, 医护与家属协同护理模式在小儿肺炎干预中的应用[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2024; 3: (4) : 103-105.