



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2024; 3: (2) ; 62-66 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.20240070.

Longitudinal study of geriatric care service motivation and influencing factors among undergraduate nursing students

作者: 周艳如, 金润浩 *

延边大学护理学院 吉林延边

*通讯作者: 金润浩,单位:延边大学护理学院 吉林延边;

发布时间: 2024-02-23 总浏览量: 382


目的 探究本科实习护生老年照护服务动机及其影响因素,为规范进行老年照护服务和提高本科实习护生老年照护服务动机提供理论参考。方法 本研究采用便利抽样方法,对本科实习护生展开网络问卷形式调查。通过卡方检验和Logistic回归分析,探究影响本科实习护生从事老年护理工作的因素。结果 调查的190人本科实习护生中,喜欢从事老年照护工作的护生仅有49人(25.79%),稍微喜欢的有114人(60.00%),明确表示不喜欢从事老年照护工作的有27人(14.21%)。喜欢从事老年照护工作的高职护生其FAQ1与KAOP得分显著高于不喜欢从事老年照护的高职护生(P<0.05)。结论 本科实习护生拥有较好的老年护理择业倾向,完善老年护理相关课程设置,优化本科护生的培养体系,引导本科护生从事老年护理工作。

关键词: 老龄化;本科实习护生;老年照护服务;服务动机;影响因素


Objective: To explore the motivation and influencing factors of undergraduate nursing students, to provide theoretical reference for standardizing the service and improving the motivation of undergraduate nursing students.
Methods: This study used the convenience sampling method to survey undergraduate nursing students. We explored the chi-square test and Logistic regression analysis.
Results: Among the 190 undergraduate nursing students in the survey, only 49 (25.79%) liked geriatric care, 114 (60.00%), and 27 (14.21%) did not like geriatric care. The FAQ 1 and KAOP scores were significantly higher than those who prefer to engage in geriatric care (P <0.05).
Conclusion  : Undergraduate intern nursing students have a good career tendency of geriatric nursing, improve the relevant curriculum of geriatric nursing, optimize the training system of undergraduate nursing students, and guide undergraduate nursing students to engage in geriatric nursing work.

Key words: Aging; undergraduate internship and nursing students; elderly care service; service motivation; influencing factors

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周艳如, 金润浩, 本科实习护生老年照护服务动机及其影响因素的纵向研究[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2024; 3: (2) : 62-66.