



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2024; 3: (1) ; 96-98 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.20240031.

Application experience of detail nursing in deep vein catheter nursing in general surgery

作者: 肖燕群 *

南部战区海军第一医院普外科 广东湛江

*通讯作者: 肖燕群,单位:南部战区海军第一医院普外科 广东湛江;

发布时间: 2024-01-31 总浏览量: 144


目的 分析细节护理在普外科深静脉导管护理中的应用效果。方法 参与本次研究患者的数量为80例,起始时间为2022年6月份,结束时间为2023年6月份,分成参照组与实验组;每组患者的数量为40例,参照组患者为常规护理,实验组患者提供细节护理,分析两组患者的护理满意度以及并发症的发生率。结果 实验组患者的护理满意度更高,并发症的发生率更低,(P<0.05)。结论 在普外科,为深静脉导管患者提供细节护理,可以提高患者的护理满意度,降低患者并发症的机率,值得提倡。

关键词: 细节护理;普外科深静脉导管;护理;应用体会


Objective: To analyze the application effect of detail nursing in the nursing of deep venous catheters in general surgery. The number of patients participating in this study was 80, starting from June 2022 and ending in June 2023, divided into a reference group and an experimental group; There are 40 patients in each group, with the reference group receiving routine care and the experimental group receiving detailed care. The nursing satisfaction and incidence of complications of the two groups of patients were analyzed. The experimental group showed higher nursing satisfaction and lower incidence of complications (P<0.05).
Conclusion  : In general surgery, providing detailed care for patients with deep venous catheters can improve patient satisfaction with care and reduce the probability of complications, which is worthy of promotion.

Key words: Detail care; Deep venous catheter in general surgery; Nursing; Application experience

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肖燕群, 细节护理在普外科深静脉导管护理中的应用体会[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2024; 3: (1) : 96-98.