Open Access Article
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2023; 2: (11) ; 193-195 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.2023000723.
To explore the effect of intensive nursing intervention on aerosol inhalation hormone therapy in children withasthma
祖丽胡玛尔·吐尔逊 *,
喀什地区第二人民医院 新疆喀什
祖丽胡玛尔·吐尔逊,单位:喀什地区第二人民医院 新疆喀什;
发布时间: 2023-12-15 总浏览量: 231
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目的 分析强化护理干预用于小儿哮喘雾化吸入激素治疗的价值。方法 随机均分 2021 年 10 月-2023
年 9 月本科接诊哮喘患儿(n=84)。试验组雾化吸入激素治疗期间采取强化护理干预,对照组行常规护理。对比
咳嗽缓解时间等指标。结果 关于喘息缓解时间、咳嗽缓解时间与气促缓解时间:试验组数据优于对照组(P<0.05)。
依从性:试验组数据达到了 97.62%,而对照组数据则仅有 83.33%,相比较下,试验组的依从性更高(P<0.05)。
理质量更好(P<0.05)。总有效率:试验组数据达到了 97.62%,而对照组数据则仅有 80.95%,相比较下,试验
组的护理效果更好(P<0.05)。结论 小儿哮喘雾化吸入激素治疗用强化护理干预,患儿的症状缓解时间更短,
关键词: 强化护理干预;小儿哮喘;依从性;雾化吸入
Objective To analyze the value of intensive nursing intervention for aerosol inhalation hormone
therapy in children with asthma. Methods Children with asthma were randomly assigned from October 2021 to
September 2023 (n=84). The experimental group took intensive nursing intervention during aerosol inhalation hormone
therapy, and the control group took routine nursing. The cough relief time and other indicators were compared. Results
In terms of wheezing remission time, cough remission time and shortness of breath remission time, the experimental
group was better than the control group (P < 0.05). Compliance: The data of the experimental group reached 97.62%, while the data of the control group was only 83.33%. Compared with that, the compliance of the experimental group was
higher (P<0.05). Nursing quality: The data of the experimental group reached (98.36±0.92) points, while the data of the
control group was only (89.46±2.13) points. Compared with that, the nursing quality of the experimental group was
better (P<0.05). Total effective rate: the experimental group's data reached 97.62%, while the control group's data was
only 80.95%, compared with the experimental group's nursing effect was better (P<0.05). Conclusion Intensive nursing
intervention with aerosol inhalation hormone therapy in children with asthma has shorter symptom relief time, better
nursing effect, more obvious improvement of compliance, and more rapid improvement of nursing quality.
Key words: Intensive nursing intervention; Pediatric asthma; Compliance; Atomized inhalation
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祖丽胡玛尔·吐尔逊, 古丽巴哈尔·赛来, 探讨强化护理干预对小儿哮喘雾化吸入激素治疗效果的影响[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2023; 2: (11) : 193-195.