



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2023; 2: (11) ; 151-153 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.2023000709.

Analysis of the effect of progressive care on the survival rate of skin flap transplantation in patients withcalf-to-ankle trauma

作者: 吴红 *

张家港市第一人民医院 江苏苏州

*通讯作者: 吴红,单位:张家港市第一人民医院 江苏苏州;

发布时间: 2023-12-15 总浏览量: 130


目的 分析在对小腿到足踝外伤患者皮瓣移植术患者护理过程中开展渐进式护理对于患者皮瓣成果 率以及恢复期间生活质量等影响。方法 在 2022 年 3 月至 2023 年 5 月本院小腿到足踝外伤患者皮瓣移植术患者 中选择 76 例为对象,数字表随机排序划分对照组(38 例,治疗期间开展常规护理)和观察组(38 例,治疗期间 开展渐进式护理)。对比护理效果。结果 对比两组皮瓣成活率以及护理满意度,观察组均高于对照组,P<0.05。 对比两组恢复期间生活质量、心理状态,观察组生活质量评分高于对照组,心理状态评分低于对照组,P<0.05。 结论 在对小腿到足踝外伤患者皮瓣移植术患者护理过程中开展渐进式护理,可以提升皮瓣成活率,增加患者护 理满意度以及生活质量。

关键词: 渐进式护理;小腿到足踝外伤患者皮瓣移植术;皮瓣成活率


Objective To analyze the impact of implementing progressive nursing care in the nursing process of skin flap transplantation for patients with leg to ankle injuries on the success rate of skin flaps and the quality of life during recovery.
Methods From March 2022 to May 2023 in our hospital, 76 cases of patients with leg to foot ankle trauma undergoing skin flap transplantation were selected as subjects, and the control group (38 cases, routine nursing during treatment) and observation group (38 cases, progressive nursing during treatment) were randomly sorted in a numerical table. The nursing effect was compared.
Results Compared the survival rate of skin flap and nursing satisfaction of the two groups, the observation group were higher than the control group, P<0.05. The quality of life and psychological state of the two groups were compared during the recovery period. The quality of life score of the observation group was higher than that of the control group, and the psychological state score was lower than that of the control group, P<0.05.
Conclusion   Progressive nursing can improve the survival rate of skin flap and improve the satisfaction of nursing and quality of life of patients with leg to foot and ankle injury

Key words: Progressive care; Skin flap transplantation for patients with leg to ankle injuries; Skin flap survivalrate

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