目的 探析膳食指导在妊娠期糖尿病患者血糖管理和控制价值。方法 随机从我院 2022.1-2022.12 间
收治的妊娠期糖尿病患者中抽取 87 例,将其分别纳入对照组(n=43,常规护理)和观察组(n=44,膳食指导),
对比护理效果。结果 两组患者在护理前的血糖水平差异较小,P>0.05;护理后,观察组、对照组护理后血糖水
对照组(P<0.05)。结论 对妊娠期高血压患者进行护理及应用膳食指导,有助于控制患者血糖水平,减少患者
关键词: 营养膳食指导;妊娠期糖尿病;效果
Objective To explore the value of dietary guidance in the management and control of blood
sugar in pregnant women with diabetes. Methods 87 patients with gestational diabetes admitted from 2022.12 to
2022.12 in our hospital were randomly selected, and they were respectively included in the control group (n=43,
routine nursing) and the observation group (n=44, dietary guidance) to compare the nursing effect. Result There
was a small difference in blood sugar levels between the two groups of patients before nursing, P>0.05; After
nursing, the blood glucose levels in the observation group and the control group improved significantly with a
significant difference (P<0.05); The number of premature delivery, Polyhydramnios, premature rupture of
membranes and pregnancy induced hypertension in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the
control group (P<0.05). Conclusion Nursing and applying dietary guidance to patients with gestational
hypertension can help control their blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of complications, and effectively ensure
the safety of mothers and fetuses. It is worthy of clinical promotion and application.
Key words: Nutritional dietary guidance; Gestational diabetes; effect
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