目的 分析基于提升行动力的 PBL 教学法在急诊 ICU 护理教学中的应用效果。方法 选取
2022.06-2023.06 月于我院急诊 ICU 进行实习的 47 名护理实习生作为研究对象,将其按照实习先后顺序分为对照
组(23 名,采用传统教学法)与观察组(24 名,采用基于提升行动力的 PBL 教学法)。对两组教学效果进行对
比分析。结果 观察组采用基于提升行动力的 PBL 教学法后,其考核成绩、自主学习能力评分、教学满意度均优
于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 在急诊 ICU 护理教学中应用基于提升行动力的 PBL 教学法
关键词: 急诊 ICU;护理教学;行动力;PBL 教学法
Objective To analyze the application effect of PBL teaching method based on enhancing action ability
in emergency ICU nursing teaching. Method 47 nursing interns who interned in the emergency ICU of our hospital from
June 2022 to June 2023 were selected as the research subjects. They were divided into a control group (23 students, using
traditional teaching methods) and an observation group (24 students, using PBL teaching methods based on improving
mobility) according to the order of their internships. Compare and analyze the teaching effects of two groups. Result
After using the PBL teaching method based on improving action ability, the observation group's assessment scores,
autonomous learning ability scores, and teaching satisfaction were better than the control group, and the differences were
statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion The application of PBL teaching method based on enhancing action ability
in emergency ICU nursing teaching can achieve better results, effectively improve the assessment scores of nursing
interns, enhance their self-learning ability, and thus improve teaching satisfaction.
Key words: Emergency ICU; Nursing teaching; Action power; PBL teaching method
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