



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2023; 2: (8) ; 142-144 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.2023000510.

Application of comprehensive nursing intervention in perioperative nursing of patients undergoing totalcystectomy ureterostomy

作者: 韦妮 *

柳州市中医医院 广西柳州

*通讯作者: 韦妮,单位:柳州市中医医院 广西柳州;

发布时间: 2023-08-10 总浏览量: 181


目的 探讨全面护理干预在膀胱全切输尿管腹壁造口术患者围手术期护理中的应用。方法 回顾性分 析 2021 年 12 月-2022 年 1 月 期间在本院行膀胱全切输尿管腹壁造口术治疗的膀胱癌患者为研究对象,共计 40 例,按接收治疗顺序平均分为对照组和观察组(每组各 20 例)。结果 统计研究表明,观察组并发症发生率明显 低于对照组(10.00%<30.00%),护理满意度明显更高(95.00%>75.00%),组间数据差异明显,P<0.05,说 明存在对比意义。结论 分析表明,全面护理干预对膀胱全切输尿管腹壁造口术患者的术后并发症发生率有显著 降低作用,有效提升患者护理满意度,促进护患关系和谐,护理效果显著,应用价值良好,对此护理方案建议大 力推广应用。

关键词: 全面护理干预;膀胱全切;输尿管腹壁造口术;围手术期护理;护理效果


Objective To explore the application of comprehensive nursing intervention in perioperative nursing of patients with total cystectomy ureterostomy.
Methods A total of 40 patients with bladder cancer who underwent total cystotomy ureterostomy in our hospital from December 2021 to January 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. They were evenly divided into control group and observation group (20 cases in each group) according to the order of receiving treatment.
Results The statistical study showed that the complication rate of the observation group was significantly lower than that of the control group (10.00%<30.00%), and the nursing satisfaction was significantly higher (95.00%>75.00%), and the data difference between the groups was significant (P<0.05), indicating comparative significance.
Conclusion   The analysis shows that comprehensive nursing intervention can significantly reduce the incidence of postoperative complications in patients with total cystectomy ureterostomy, effectively improve patient nursing satisfaction, promote the harmonious relationship between nurses and patients, nursing effect is significant, and the application value is good, and it is recommended to vigorously promote the application of this nursing program.

Key words: comprehensive nursing intervention; Complete cystotomy; Abdominal ureterostomy; Perioperativenursing; Nursing effect

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韦妮, 全面护理干预在膀胱全切输尿管腹壁造口术患者围手术期护理中的应用[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2023; 2: (8) : 142-144.