目的 了解汪清镇 3-6 岁学龄前儿童视力发育及屈光状况。方法 汪清镇 10 所幼儿园和学前班 3-6
学分析。结果 2580 名儿童完成检查,正常为 2391 例占 92.7% ,可疑 280 例 占 10.8%,患病 189 例 患病率
7.32% 。患病情况主要包括:近视、远视、散光和弱视。三岁组 645 例 男 287 例 女 358 例 , 四岁组 720
例 男 412 例 女 308 例,五岁组 668 例 男 388 例 280 例 ,六岁组 547 例 男 301 例 女 246 例 。 3 岁组和四
岁组差异无统计学意义,五岁组和六岁组近视率高于 3 岁组和四岁组。(P<0.05)。结论 3-6 岁学龄前儿童视力
关键词: 学龄前;视力;筛查;屈光
Objective To investigate the visual acuity development and refractive status of 3-6 years old
preschool children in Wang Qingzhen. Methods Visual acuity of 3 to 6 years old preschool children in 10 kindergartens
and preschool classes in Wangqing town was examined by using computer optometry, and the results of refractive and
visual acuity examination were statistically analyzed after recording and grouping according to age group. Results 2580
children completed the examination, 2391 normal cases (92.7%), 280 suspicious cases (10.8%), 189 sick cases (7.32%).
The main diseases include: myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism and amblyopia. There were 645 males and 287 females
in the three-year-old group, 720 males and 412 females in the four-year-old group, 668 males and 388 males and 280
females in the five-year-old group, and 547 males and 301 females and 246 females in the six-year-old group. There was
no significant difference between the three and four year old groups, and the myopia rate of the five and six year old
groups was higher than that of the three and four year old groups. (P<0.05). Conclusion Vision examination for 3-6 years
old preschool children is the focus of children's eye health care, timely and early detection of vision abnormalities and
refractive errors, good protection of children's vision, and avoid curable childhood blindness.
Key words: preschool; Eyesight; Screening; dioptric
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