



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2023; 2: (7) ; 61-63 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.2023000417.

Observation on the Clinical Effect of Predictive Nursing Intervention on Reducing Complications in Patients withCerebral Hemorrhage

作者: 刘晓梅 *

华西医院甘孜州人民医院 四川甘孜州

*通讯作者: 刘晓梅,单位:华西医院甘孜州人民医院 四川甘孜州;

发布时间: 2023-08-10 总浏览量: 224


目的 分析研究对脑出血患者实施预见性护理干预对减少并发症的临床效果。方法 选择我院于 2021 年 3 月-2023 年 4 月收治的脑出血患者 86 例,按照护理方式的不同分为对照组和观察组患者各 43 例,对照组采 用常规性护理,观察组患者采用预见性护理,对比两组患者的并发症和生活质量评分。结果 观察组在并发症的 发生率和生活质量评分上明显优于对照组,差异对比均有统计学意义,P 均﹤0.05。结论 对脑出血患者实施预见 性护理可有效减少并发症,避免给患者造成二次损伤的同时提高生活质量评分,加快患者康复进程。

关键词: 脑出血;心血管疾病;脑部损伤;生活质量;并发症;预见性护理


Objective To analyze and study the clinical effect of implementing predictive nursing interventions on reducing complications in patients with cerebral hemorrhage. Method: 86 patients with cerebral hemorrhage admitted to our hospital from March 2021 to April 2023 were selected and divided into a control group and an observation group of 43 patients according to different nursing methods. The control group received routine care, while the observation group received predictive care. The complications and quality of life scores of the two groups of patients were compared. Result: The observation group was significantly better than the control group in terms of the incidence of complications and quality of life scores, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05).
Conclusion  : Implementing predictive care for patients with cerebral hemorrhage can effectively reduce complications, avoid secondary damage to patients, improve quality of life scores, and accelerate the patient's rehabilitation process.

Key words: Cerebral hemorrhage; Cardiovascular disease; Brain injury; Quality of life; Complications; Predictivecare

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