



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2023; 2: (4) ; 187-189 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.2023000261.

Research progress of traditional Chinese medicine nursing for epigastric pain

作者: 周爱秀 *

广西柳州市柳城县中医医院 广西柳州

*通讯作者: 周爱秀,单位:广西柳州市柳城县中医医院 广西柳州;

发布时间: 2023-06-10 总浏览量: 285


胃脘痛属中医学“脾胃系病症”范畴,国家中医药管理局更是将其纳入首批“13 个优势病种中医护理 方案”之一。针对胃脘痛的各种症状表现,可采用不同的中医治疗护理方法,艾灸、中药穴位贴敷、穴位按摩、 耳穴压豆、辩证护理是各家中医院采用较多的护理技术,对缓解其各种症状都有比较好的效果,为中医药治疗胃 脘痛提供可靠的中医护理方案。

关键词: 胃脘痛;中医护理;研究进展


Epigastric pain belongs to the category of "diseases of spleen and stomach" in traditional Chinese medicine. The State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine has included it into the first batch of "13 advantageous diseases of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing programs". According to the various symptoms of epigastric pain, different traditional Chinese medicine treatment and nursing methods can be used. Moxibustion, Chinese medicine acupoint application, acupoint massage, ear point pressure bean, dialectical nursing are more nursing techniques used in various hospitals of traditional Chinese medicine, which have better effects on relieving various symptoms, and provide reliable traditional Chinese medicine nursing plan for the treatment of epigastric pain by traditional Chinese medicine.

Key words: epigastric pain; Traditional Chinese medicine nursing; Research progress

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周爱秀, 胃脘痛的中医护理研究进展[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2023; 2: (4) : 187-189.