



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2023; 2: (4) ; 157-159 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.2023000251.

Effect of standardized combined care during chemotherapy on chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting

作者: 杨雪梅 *

开远市人民医院 云南红河州开远

*通讯作者: 杨雪梅,单位:开远市人民医院 云南红河州开远;

发布时间: 2023-06-10 总浏览量: 206


目的 深入研讨标准化联合护理在肿瘤患者化疗期间相关性恶心呕吐的影响效果做具体分析,旨在 推动此类疾病的相关研究进程。方法 病例搜集时间段为 2022 年 1 月至 2022 年 12 月期间,入选样本为笔者院内 收治的恶性肿瘤化疗患者,共计 485 例为研讨依据,以随机排号法作为分组基准,将所有患者均输入计算机系统 进行随机排号,依据序号单双数划分两组,其中 243 例单数号患者纳入 1 组行常规护理策略,242 例双号数患者 纳入 2 组行标准化联合护理策略,并对相关数据进行收集整理,利用统计学方法进行比对处理。结果 实验结束, 两组相较、两种护理策略相较,优劣差异显著,患者在Ⅱ度及以上 CINV 发生率指标呈现,1 组显高 2 组,干预 后 DT 评分显高 2 组,EORTC QLQ-c30 评分则显低 2 组(P<0.05)。结论 对于肿瘤患者化疗期间护理方案的横 向选择中,采用标准化联合护理策略进行干预,不仅有效降低患者化疗相关性恶心呕吐的发生率,且极大减轻患 者心理痛苦程度,提升其生活质量,临床应用效果显著,影响价值巨大。

关键词: 肿瘤患者;化疗期间;标准化联合护理;化疗相关;恶心呕吐;影响


Objective To discuss the effects of standardized nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy of cancer patients and make specific analysis, aiming to promote the relevant research process of such diseases.
Methods: case collection period for January 2022 to December 2022, for the sample for the hospital patients with malignant tumor chemotherapy, a total of 485 cases as the basis of discussion, with random number method as the grouping benchmark, all patients into the computer system for random number, according to the serial number into two groups, 243 singular patients into group 1 line routine care strategy, 242 double number patients into group 2 line standardized joint nursing strategy, and the relevant data collection, comparison using statistical method.
Results: At the end of the experiment, the advantages and disadvantages of the two groups and the two nursing strategies were significant. The incidence of CINV in the patients was above, 1 group was higher in 2 groups, DT score was 2 groups, and EORTC QLQ-c30 score was lower in 2 groups (P <0.05).
Conclusion  : In the horizontal selection of nursing plan during chemotherapy for cancer patients, standardized combined nursing strategy is adopted for intervention, which can not only effectively reduce the incidence of chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting in patients, but also greatly reduce the psychological pain of patients, improve their quality of life, and the clinical application effect is significant, with great impact value.

Key words: tumor patients; during chemotherapy; standardized combined care; chemotherapy-related; nauseaand vomiting; impact

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杨雪梅, 肿瘤患者化疗期间开展标准化联合护理对化疗相关性恶心呕吐的影响[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2023; 2: (4) : 157-159.