



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2023; 2: (4) ; 52-54 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.2023000216.

Application of script writing high simulation exercise to improve humanistic care skills of ICU primary nurses
撰写剧本高仿真演练对提高 ICU 初级护士人文关怀技能应用观察

作者: 冷秋 *, 吴香花, 吴艳丽, 张凡

华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院重症医学科 湖北武汉

*通讯作者: 冷秋,单位:华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院重症医学科 湖北武汉;

发布时间: 2023-06-10 总浏览量: 231


目的 探讨通过撰写人文关怀沟通剧本并进行高仿真模拟演练培训对提高 ICU 初级护士人文关怀技 能应用效果。方法 开展人文关怀分享会并进行经验总结,根据患者年龄、社会背景、疾病种类、护理需求、家 属心愿,撰写人文关怀沟通剧本,对 30 名 ICU 初级护士进行高仿真模拟培训并考核。比较培训前后患者满意度 以及 ICU 初级护士教学质量认可率。结果 培训后住院患者满意度和 ICU 初级护士对教学质量认可率显著高于培 训前。结论 撰写人文关怀沟通剧本进行高仿真模拟培训对 ICU 初级护士人文关怀理念有新认识,同时人文关怀 技能有明显提高,提高患者满意度。

关键词: 仿真模拟; 人文关怀;培训;患者满意度


Objective To explore the application effect of humanistic care skills of ICU primary nurses by writing humanistic care communication script and conducting high simulation training.
Methods Humanistic care sharing meeting was carried out and experience was summarized. Humanistic care communication script was written according to patients' age, social background, disease type, nursing needs and family wish, and high simulation training and assessment were conducted on 30 ICU primary nurses. Patient satisfaction before and after training and ICU primary nurses teaching quality recognition rate were compared.
Results The satisfaction rate of hospitalized patients and the recognition rate of ICU primary nurses on teaching quality were significantly higher after training.
Conclusion   Writing humanistic care communication script and carrying out high simulation training can give ICU primary nurses a new understanding of humanistic care concept, and improve their humanistic care skills significantly, which can improve patient satisfaction.

Key words: simulation; Humanistic care; Training; Patient satisfaction

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冷秋, 吴香花, 吴艳丽, 张凡, 撰写剧本高仿真演练对提高 ICU 初级护士人文关怀技能应用观察[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2023; 2: (4) : 52-54.