



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2023; 2: (4) ; 4-6 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.2023000200.

Effect of standardized nursing process management on patients with prone position ventilation

作者: 陈媛媛 *

泰安八十八医院 山东泰安

*通讯作者: 陈媛媛,单位:泰安八十八医院 山东泰安;

发布时间: 2023-06-10 总浏览量: 191


目的 俯卧位通气患者实施规范化护理流程管理的效果。方法 在 2021 年度的 1 月至 2022 年度的 1 月选择前来我院进行俯卧位通气治干预(80)例病人进行调研,参与本次调研病人均接受俯卧位通气干预与护理, 按照护理方案进行分组,每组所纳入例数为(40)例。按照护理方案进行命名,分别为常规组、研究组。常规组 所采用的护理方案为常规护理,研究组所采用的护理方案为 规范化护理流程管理方案。总结与探讨 2 种护理方 案实施效果。结果 常规组发生率为 9/40(22.5%)与研究组发生率为 2/40(5%)相比较高,差异明显,(P<0.05)。 结论 俯卧位通气患者实施规范化护理流程管理作用优异,此方案值得临床应用与普及。

关键词: 俯卧位通气;规范化护理流程管理


Objective To evaluate the effect of standardized nursing process management on patients with prone position ventilation.
Methods From January 2021 to January 2022, 80 patients who came to our hospital for ventilation intervention in prone position were selected for investigation. All patients who participated in this investigation received ventilation intervention and nursing in prone position. They were divided into groups according to the nursing plan. The number of patients included in each group was (40). According to the nursing plan, they were named as the routine group and the research group. The nursing scheme adopted by the routine group was routine nursing, and the nursing scheme adopted by the research group was standardized nursing process management scheme. Summarize and discuss the implementation effect of two nursing programs.
Results The incidence of routine group was 9/40 (22.5%), which was significantly higher than that of study group (2/40 (5%), (P<0.05).
Conclusion   The standardized nursing process management for patients with prone position ventilation has an excellent effect, which is worthy of clinical application and popularization.

Key words: prone position ventilation; Standardized nursing process management;

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