目的 观察在护理临床带教中 PBL、案例教学法联合应用的带教效果和价值。方法 观察对象选择于
2022.1~2022.12 在我院实习的护理专业护生 90 名,随机方法分组观察,45 名予以常规教学法者纳入对照组,45
名予以 PBL+案例教学法者纳入研究组,对比和观察带教效果。结果 相对比于对照组,研究组护生操作技能、理
组,研究组护生对教学满意度明显较高(P<0.05)。结论 在护理临床带教中 PBL、案例教学法联合应用效果突
关键词: 护理临床带教;案例教学法;PBL 教学法
Objective To observe the teaching effect and value of the combined application of PBL and case
teaching method in clinical nursing teaching. Methods The observation objects were selected from 90 nursing students
who interned in our hospital from February 2022 to December 2022. They were randomly divided into groups for
observation. 45 students who received conventional teaching methods were included in the control group, and 45
students who received PBL+case teaching methods were included in the research group. The teaching effects were
compared and observed. Results Compared with the control group, the scores of nursing students in the research group in
operational skills and theoretical knowledge were significantly higher (P<0.05); Compared with the control group, the
self-evaluation of nursing students in the study group was significantly better (P<0.05); Compared with the control group,
nursing students in the research group were significantly more satisfied with teaching (P<0.05). Conclusion The
combined application of PBL and case teaching method in clinical nursing teaching has outstanding effects, can promote
teaching effectiveness, enhance clinical abilities of nursing students, and promote teaching satisfaction. It is
recommended to promote it.
Key words: clinical nursing teaching; Case teaching method; PBL teaching method
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