关键词: 急性缺血性脑卒中;静脉溶栓;护理干预;
Acute ischemic stroke generally refers to the sudden interruption of cerebral blood supply in the
patient's body, and cerebral ischemia leads to the necrosis of the patient's brain tissue. The disease is mainly due to the
thrombosis of the artery that provides blood supply for the brain, which makes the patient lumen occlusion, leading to
focal acute cerebral blood supply insufficiency. Currently in clinical treatment of the disease is mainly rely on
conservative treatment, one of the most common is thrombolysis and corning treatment, especially in improving the
condition of brain tissue ischemia, thrombolytic therapy play a very significant role, this treatment can make patients not
only ischemia brain tissue reconstruction of blood circulation, can also repair patients has been damaged nerve cells, so
as to make the treatment effect better.This paper reviews the effects of nursing interventions related to acute ischemic
stroke patients with intravenous thrombolysis, in order to promote acute ischemic stroke patients with intravenous
thrombolysis to implement better nursing intervention measures, accelerate the progress of rehabilitation, improve their
daily life ability, improve the quality of life of patients, improve patient satisfaction.
Key words: acute ischemic stroke; Intravenous thrombolysis; Nursing intervention;
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