



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (10) ; 109-111 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200629.

Effect of PDCA nursing mode on improving airway function in children with asthma
PDCA 护理模式改善哮喘小儿气道功能的效果观察

作者: 席婷婷 *, 章彤

合肥市第二人民医院 安徽合肥

*通讯作者: 席婷婷,单位:合肥市第二人民医院 安徽合肥;

发布时间: 2022-12-02 总浏览量: 227


目的 分析 PDCA 护理模式对哮喘患儿气道功能改善效果。方法 选择我院 2020 年 1 月到 2022 年 1 月接收的 64 例哮喘患儿研究对象,将其按照随机数表方式分组,32 例实施基础护理,设定为对照组, 32 例实施 PDCA 护理模式,设定为观察组,分析两组护理效果差异。结果 两组护理前气道功能指标水平 无明显差异,(P>0.05)。观察组护理后气道功能指标水平明显改善,(P<0.05)为差异显著,有统计学 意义。观察组护理后 ACQ 评分明显降低,(P<0.05)为差异显著,有统计学意义。观察组家属护理满意度 明显较高,(P<0.05)为差异显著,有统计学意义。结论 PDCA 护理模式对哮喘患儿气道功能改善效果较 佳,同时 PDCA 护理模式还能达到哮喘患儿家属满意标准,值得临床重视并采纳。

关键词: PDCA 护理模式;哮喘;气道功能;ACQ 评分;护理满意度


Objective To analyze the effect of PDCA nursing mode on improving the airway function of children with asthma.
Methods 64 children with asthma who were received in our hospital from January 2020 to January 2022 were selected, and they were grouped according to the random number table. 32 patients were given basic nursing care, which was set as the control group, 32 patients were given PDCA nursing mode, which was set as the observation group. The difference between the two groups was analyzed.
Results There was no significant difference in airway function between the two groups before nursing (P>0.05). The level of airway function indicators in the observation group was significantly improved after nursing (P<0.05), which was statistically significant. The ACQ score in the observation group decreased significantly after nursing (P<0.05), which was statistically significant. The nursing satisfaction of the family members in the observation group was significantly higher (P<0.05), which was statistically significant.
Conclusion   PDCA nursing mode has a better effect on improving the airway function of children with asthma, and PDCA nursing mode can meet the satisfaction standard of the family members of children with asthma, which is worthy of clinical attention and adoption.

Key words: PDCA nursing mode; Asthma; Airway function; ACQ score; Nursing satisfaction

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