



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (9) ; 127-129 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200569.

Observation on the application of Online-offline integrated teaching method in clinical nursing teaching

作者: 吴翠干, 胡玲嘉 *

江苏省盐城市第三人民医院 江苏盐城

*通讯作者: 胡玲嘉,单位:江苏省盐城市第三人民医院 江苏盐城;

发布时间: 2022-11-30 总浏览量: 260


目的 将线上+线下融合式教学方法,用于临床护理教学,观察效果。方法 以 2019 年 1 月到 2019 年 12 月我院未施行线上+线下融合式教学时临床护理教学状况,作为常规教学阶段;以 2020 年 1 月到 2020 年 12 月施行线上+线下融合式教学时临床护理教学状况,作为线上+线下融合式教学阶段。抽取常规教 学阶段、线上+线下融合式教学阶段参与临床护理教学的实习护生各 38 名。比较实施线+上线下融合式教学 前后临床护理教学质量评分、学习积极性评分、实习护生对教学满意率。结果 线上+线下融合式教学阶段, 临床教学质量中教学管理项目教学管理(10.69±1.03)分、护理带教(11.74±0.14)分、护理个案书写(10.78±1.02) 分、尊重学生(11.52±0.04)分、护理综合能力培养(11.34±0.38)分、出科考试评分(11.69±0.27)分,实 习护生的学习积极性评分(95.38±2.17)分,实习护生对教学满意率 97.37%,同常规教学阶段的(9.07±1.17) 分、(9.29±1.08)分、(8.38±1.03)分、(9.22±1.15)分、(8.16±0.39)分、(7.28±1.03)分、(81.12±1.34)分、 78.95%比较而言显著提升(p<0.05)。结论 将线上+线下融合式教学方法,用于临床护理教学,可取的更佳 效果,该模式能够提高临床教学质量,促使其积极学习,从而提高实习护生对教学满意率。

关键词: 线上+线下融合式教学方法;实习护生;临床护理教学;教学质量


Objective To use online + offline integrated teaching method for clinical nursing teaching, observe the effect.
Methods The clinical nursing teaching status of our hospital from January 2019 to December 2019 when online + offline integrated teaching was not implemented was taken as the routine teaching stage. Clinical nursing teaching status during the implementation of online + offline integrated teaching from January 2020 to December 2020 is taken as the stage of online + offline integrated teaching. Selected 38 practice nursing students participating in clinical nursing teaching in both the conventional teaching stage and the online + offline integrated teaching stage. Clinical nursing teaching quality score, learning enthusiasm score and teaching satisfaction rate of nursing students were compared before and after the implementation of line + offline integrated teaching.
Results Online + offline integrated teaching stage, Clinical teaching quality in teaching management project teaching management (10.69±1.03) points, nursing teaching (11.74±0.14) points, nursing case writing (10.78±1.02) points, respect for students (11.52±0.04) points, nursing comprehensive ability training (11.34±0.38) points, entrance examination score (11.6) 9±0.27) points, the learning enthusiasm score of practicing nursing students (95.38±2.17) points, the teaching satisfaction rate of practicing nursing students 97.37%, Compared with the conventional teaching stage (9.07±1.17) points, (9.29±1.08) points, (8.38±1.03) points, (9.22±1.15) points, (8.16±0.39) points, (7.28±1.03) points, (81.12±1.34) points, 78.95% significantly improved (p<0.0) 5).
Conclusion   The integration of online and offline teaching method in clinical nursing teaching can achieve better results. This model can improve the quality of clinical teaching, promote active learning, and thus improve the teaching satisfaction rate of nursing students in practice.

Key words: Online + offline integrated teaching method; Nursing student in practice; Clinical nursing teaching;Quality of teaching

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吴翠干, 胡玲嘉, 线上线下融合式教学方法在临床护理教学中的应用观察[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2022; 1: (9) : 127-129.