



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (9) ; 40-42 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200540.

Analysis of nursing intervention on adverse reaction of blood transfusion

作者: 柯兰花 *

大冶市人民医院 湖北大冶

*通讯作者: 柯兰花,单位:大冶市人民医院 湖北大冶;

发布时间: 2022-11-30 总浏览量: 324


目的 分析护理干预对输血不良反应产生的影响。方法 从本院 2021 年 1 月到 2021 年 6 月收 治的需要进行输血的患者中选取 166 例,其中,2021 年 1 月到 2020 年 3 月的患者为实施护理干预前;2021 年 4 月到 2021 年 6 月的患者为实施护理干预后,比较分析护理干预前后两组患者出现不良反应情况的差异, 以及对护理满意度产生的变化。结果 护理干预后,患者出现不良反应的情况,如体温下降、伤口渗血和代谢 性酸中毒等情况,较护理干预前有明显的减少,同时,其对护理的满意度有明显提高,差异明显,有统计 学意义(P<0.05)。结论 为输血患者进行护理干预后,其不良反应情况的发生率明显降低,另外,由于护 理干预针对其输血全过程进行了更为细致的服务,患者提高了对护理的满意度,医院的整体护理质量有明 显的提升。因此,护理干预在输血过程中是不可缺少的一环。

关键词: 护理干预;输血不良反应;护理满意度


Objective To analyze the influence of nursing intervention on adverse reactions of blood transfusion.
Methods 166 patients who needed blood transfusion from January 2021 to June 2021 in our hospital were selected. Among them, the patients from January 2021 to March 2020 were before the implementation of nursing intervention; For the patients from April 2021 to June 2021, after the implementation of nursing intervention, the differences of adverse reactions between the two groups of patients before and after the nursing intervention, as well as the changes in nursing satisfaction were compared and analyzed.
Results After the nursing intervention, the patients had adverse reactions, such as hypothermia, wound bleeding and metabolic acidosis, which were significantly reduced compared with those before the nursing intervention. At the same time, their satisfaction with nursing was significantly improved, with significant differences (P<0.05).
Conclusion   After nursing intervention for blood transfusion patients, the incidence of adverse reactions was significantly reduced. In addition, because nursing intervention provided more detailed services for the whole process of blood transfusion, patients' satisfaction with nursing was improved, and the overall nursing quality of the hospital was significantly improved. Therefore, nursing intervention is an indispensable link in the process of blood transfusion.

Key words: Nursing intervention; Adverse reaction of blood transfusion; Nursing satisfaction

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柯兰花, 输血不良反应的护理干预分析[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2022; 1: (9) : 40-42.