



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (8) ; 22-24 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200468.

The influence of etiquette training in higher vocational colleges on the quality development of nursing

作者: 刘珂妍 *

江苏省徐州医药高等职业学校 江苏徐州

*通讯作者: 刘珂妍,单位:江苏省徐州医药高等职业学校 江苏徐州;

发布时间: 2022-11-25 总浏览量: 291


目的 探讨高职院校中开展礼仪培训对护理专业学生素质发展的影响。方法 随机抽取我校 2018 级-2020 级 120 名护生作为研究对象,将随机抽样分为两组,实验组护生 60 人,对照组护生 60 人。实验组 进行为期一年的护理礼仪培训,对照组未进行护理礼仪培训,培训结束后,比较两组护生个人礼仪展示、 临床见习带教老师满意度调查以及校内其他教师对护生综合素质的评价情况。结果 实验组护生礼仪知识成 绩考核、临床带教老师满意度和校内综合素质评价均高于对照组护生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 护理礼仪培训在高职院校护生礼仪修养提升中效果显著,可在高职院校中应用与推广。

关键词: 礼仪培训;护理专业;学生素质。


Objective To explore the impact of etiquette training in vocational colleges on the quality development of nursing students.
Methods A total of 120 nursing students from the class of 2018 to 2020 were randomly selected as the research objects, and the random samples were divided into two groups, 60 nursing students in the experimental group and 60 nursing students in the control group. After the training, the two groups were compared with the personal etiquette display of nursing students, the satisfaction survey of clinical trainees and teachers, and the evaluation of the comprehensive quality of nursing students by other teachers in the school.
Results The assessment of nursing etiquette knowledge, the satisfaction of clinical teachers and the comprehensive quality evaluation of nursing students in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05).
Conclusion   Nursing etiquette training has a remarkable effect in improving the etiquette cultivation of nursing students in vocational colleges, which can effectively improve the etiquette skills of nursing students in clinical nursing and improve the comprehensive quality of nursing students, which can be applied and promoted in vocational colleges.

Key words: etiquette training; nursing profession; Student quality.

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