



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (7) ; 163-165 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200449.

Effect of early pulmonary rehabilitation exercise on oxygenation index in patients with respiratory failure

作者: 吴明星 *, 吴良风

皖南医学院第一附属医院弋矶山医院 安徽芜湖

*通讯作者: 吴明星,单位:皖南医学院第一附属医院弋矶山医院 安徽芜湖;

发布时间: 2022-11-15 总浏览量: 387


目的 文章重点分析早期肺康复锻炼对呼吸衰竭患者氧合指数的影响,并判定其应用价值。方 法 纳入本次研究的 46 例患者均为 2021 年 1 月-2022 年 1 月在我院接受治疗的呼吸衰竭患者,以盲选等分 的形式分组(研究组、参照组),研究组应用早期肺康复锻炼及常规护理,参照组仅常规护理,对两组区 别护理后患者情绪变化、并发症情况、氧合指数、患者满意度进行统计测评,并对所得数据进行分析对比, 以此作为本次研究的判定标准。结果 护理前 SAS、SDS 评分数据间差异较小(P>0.05),护理后差异较 明显,对比结果 P<0.05;研究组并发症发生病例 4(17.39%)明显低于参照组发生病例 10(43.48%),对 比结果 P<0.05;护理前氧合指数数据组间对比 P>0.05;护理后每个阶段氧合指数两组均存在明显性差异 (P<0.05)。总满意率以研究组较高 22(95.65%),参照组有满意较低 17(73.91%),对比结果 P<0.05。 结论 早期肺康复锻炼有助于增强呼吸衰竭患者氧合指数,缓解患病不良情绪,同时降低并发症出现,可行 性及安全性均较高,效果令患者满意,具有临床广泛应用价值,值得推广。

关键词: 早期肺康复锻炼;呼吸衰竭;氧合指数


Objective To analyze the effect of early pulmonary rehabilitation exercise on oxygenation index in patients with respiratory failure, and to determine its application value.
Methods The 46 patients included in this study were all patients with respiratory failure treated in our hospital from January 2021 to January 2022. They were divided into two groups by blind selection and equal division (study group and reference group). The study group received early pulmonary rehabilitation exercise and routine nursing, while the reference group received routine nursing. The emotional changes, complications, oxygenation index and patient satisfaction of the two groups after different nursing were statistically evaluated, and the obtained data were analyzed and compared, so as to be used as the judgment standard of this study.
Results TPre-nursing SAS and SDS scores were less different (P> 0.05), with P <0.05,4 (17.39%), 10 (43.48%), P <0.05, P> 0.05 between groups at each stage after care (P <0.05). The total satisfaction rate was 22 (95.65% higher in the study group) and 17 (73.91%) lower, and the comparison result was P <0.05.
Conclusion  s Early pulmonary rehabilitation exercise is helpful to enhance oxygenation index of patients with respiratory failure, relieve the bad mood of the disease, and reduce the occurrence of complications. The feasibility and safety are high, and the effect is satisfactory to patients. It has wide clinical application value and is worthy of promotion.

Key words: Early pulmonary rehabilitation exercise; Respiratory failure; Oxygenation index

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