



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (6) ; 85-87 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200357.

Analysis of rehabilitation nursing intervention on the improvement of lung function after lung cancersurgery

作者: 胡春玲 *

吉林省辽源市中心医院 吉林辽源

*通讯作者: 胡春玲,单位:吉林省辽源市中心医院 吉林辽源;

发布时间: 2022-11-04 总浏览量: 257


目的 探究康复护理干预对肺癌术后肺功能的改善效果和使用价值。方法 选取了近年来由我 院收治的肺癌患者的 76 例,将医院对病人其随访护理结果按照随机分组观察的方法共可分为对照组(38 例, 使用常规方法护理),观察组(38 例,使用康复护理)。对两组的护理效果进行分析。结果 两组肺癌患者 尽管护理后都取得相应效果,但观察组者使用康复护理后,肺功能指标,生活质量等综合指数评分,术后各种主 要并发症发生率等均表现要远优于术后一般肺癌对照组,差异大小均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 在肺癌 术后患者护理过程中,采用康复护理能取得较佳的效果,可提升其肺功能,提升其生活质量,降低并发症 的出现,促进其康复。

关键词: 肺癌;肺功能;康复护理


Objective To explore the effect and use value of rehabilitation nursing intervention on the improvement of lung function after lung cancer surgery.
Methods 76 cases of lung cancer patients admitted by our hospital in recent years were selected, and the follow-up nursing results of patients in the hospital were randomly divided into control group (38 cases, using conventional nursing) and observation group (38 cases, using rehabilitation nursing). The nursing effect of the two groups was analyzed.
Results Although the two groups of lung cancer patients after nursing have achieved the corresponding effect, but the observation group after the use of rehabilitation nursing, lung function index, quality of life and other comprehensive index score, the incidence of major postoperative complications were far better than the general postoperative lung cancer control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).
Conclusion   In the nursing process of patients with lung cancer after surgery, the use of rehabilitation nursing can achieve better results, can improve their lung function, improve their quality of life, reduce the occurrence of complications, promote their rehabilitation.

Key words: Lung cancer; Lung function; Rehabilitation nursing

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