



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (5) ; 111-113 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200300.

Analysis on the effect of detail nursing in improving the safety of high quality nursing in operating room

作者: 杨艳艳 *

陇西县第二人民医院 甘肃定西

*通讯作者: 杨艳艳,单位:陇西县第二人民医院 甘肃定西;

发布时间: 2022-09-02 总浏览量: 255


目的 研究手术室护理工作采用细节化护理对整体护理安全的作用影响。方法 本次研究对象 是 2021.3 月至 2022.3 月我院手术室收治的 80 例患者,采用抽签分组的办法将患者分成两组护理,一组为 实验组予以细节化护理,另外一组为常规组予以常规护理,对两组分别护理干预后的手术室护理安全情况、 护理满意度以及生活质量展开评定。结果 实验组、常规组护理满意度评分依次为 97.5%、77.5%,实验组 明显高于常规组,P<0.05;护理安全性两组对比得知,实验组的手术室各项准备工作评分均高于常规组,P <0.05;完成护理工作后,生活质量评分常规组明显低于实验组, P<0.05。结论 将细节化护理措施用于 手术室护理安全保障之中,会直接提升护理安全系数,并让患者满意手术室护理工作。

关键词: 细节化护理;手术室;优质护理安全;疗效


Objective to analyze the influence of detail nursing on nursing safety in operating room.
Methods This study was conducted on 80 patients admitted to the operating room of our hospital from March 2021 to March 2022. The patients were divided into two groups by drawing lots. One group was the experimental group for detailed nursing, and the other group was the routine group for routine nursing. The safety of nursing in the operating room, nursing satisfaction and quality of life of the two groups after nursing intervention were evaluated.
Results the scores of nursing satisfaction in the experimental group and the conventional group were 97.5% and 77.5% respectively, and the scores in the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the conventional group (P < 0.05); The comparison of nursing safety between the two groups showed that the scores of cooperation skills, instrument and equipment management, isolation disinfection and instrument preparation in the experimental group were higher than those in the conventional group (P < 0.05); After nursing, the quality of life score of patients in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in the conventional group (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   the use of detailed nursing in the nursing of the operating room will ensure the safety of nursing and improve the satisfaction of patients with the nursing in the operating room.

Key words: detailed nursing; Operation room; High quality nursing safety; curative effect

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杨艳艳, 细节化护理在提高手术室优质护理安全的疗效分析[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2022; 1: (5) : 111-113.