



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (4) ; 145-147 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200246.

Continuous positive airway pressure non-invasive ventilator (CPAP) tube and fixation method improvement

作者: 袁远丹 *, 刘 琴

贵州省儿童医院(遵义医科大学附属医院) 贵州遵义

*通讯作者: 袁远丹,单位:贵州省儿童医院(遵义医科大学附属医院) 贵州遵义;

发布时间: 2022-09-02 总浏览量: 252


目的 本文主要目的为分析持续气道正压无创呼吸机(CPAP)管道及固定方法改良术。方法 从 2021 年至 2022 年期间收治的患儿种选取 300 例作为研究对象,实施持续气道正压无创呼吸机(CPAP)辅 助通气,按照无创呼吸机固定方法的不同分为使用改良前固定方法的对照组和使用改良后固定方法的为实 验组,每组各有患儿 150 例,分析持续气道正压无创呼吸机管道固定方法改良前后患儿情况。结果 分析可 知,改良后,实验组患儿的配合度、使用舒适度、皮肤情况以及家长满意度显著优于对照组(P<0.05); 同时,实验组患儿镇静药使用率、使用呼吸机时间以及治疗费用均低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 改良型呼 吸机管道固定牢固,操作简单,安全舒适,价廉物美,值得在临床推广。

关键词: 持续气道正压无创呼吸机;管道;固定方法改良术


Objective the main purpose of this paper is to analyze the improvement of CPAP pipe and fixation method.
Methods from 2021 to 2022, 300 children with CPAP were selected as the research objects. According to the different methods of non-invasive ventilator fixation, they were divided into the control group using the improved pre fixation method and the experimental group using the improved post fixation method. There were 150 children in each group. The situation of children before and after the improvement of CPAP non-invasive ventilator fixation method was analyzed.
Results after the improvement, the cooperation, comfort, skin condition and parental satisfaction of the experimental group were significantly better than those of the control group (P; At the same time, the use rate of sedatives, the time of using ventilator and the treatment cost in the experimental group were lower than those in the control group (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   the improved ventilator has the advantages of firm fixation, simple operation, safety and comfort, low price and good quality, which is worth popularizing in clinical practice.

Key words: continuous positive airway pressure noninvasive ventilator; The Conduit; Modified fixation

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袁远丹, 刘琴, 持续气道正压无创呼吸机(CPAP)管道及固定方法改良术[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2022; 1: (4) : 145-147.