



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (3) ; 139-141 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200178.

Application of quality control circle in improving the qualified rate of venous blood samples

作者: 王益惠 *, 朱卉, 丁颖, 万玲玲

扬中市人民医院 江苏扬中

*通讯作者: 王益惠,单位:扬中市人民医院 江苏扬中;

发布时间: 2022-08-02 总浏览量: 262


目的 研究品管圈在提高静脉血标本合格率中的应用效果。方法 研究时间是 2021.1 月-2022.1 月,研究对象是我院静脉血标本采集人员,研究过程中成立品管圈,品管圈由 9 人组成,按照品管圈的活 动流程,对我院导致标本检验不合格的原因进行分析,并制定出相关的解决对策。结果 在干预之前,静脉 血标本的合格率为 96.35%,而在调查问卷得分、理论知识成绩上为 50 分、58 分,而经过了干预以后,静 脉血标本的合格率为 99.18%,而调查问卷得分和理论知识成绩也均获得了提高,依次为 89 分、82 分。结 论 实施品管圈活动,依照着各项程序及内容完成管理,会直接增强静脉血标本的合格率,也会提高科室成 员的团结协作能力,使他们的综合素质、能力水平显著提高,达成了持续性的质量改进,值得运用。

关键词: 品管圈;静脉血标本;合格率;应用


Objective To study the application effect of quality control circle in improving the qualified rate of venous blood samples.
Methods the research period was from January 2021 to January 2022. The subjects of the study were the venous blood sample collectors in our hospital. A quality control circle was established during the research. The quality control circle was composed of 9 people. According to the activity process of the quality control circle, the causes of unqualified samples in our hospital were analyzed, and the relevant solutions were worked out.
Results before the intervention, the qualified rate of venous blood samples was 96.35%, while the scores of questionnaire and theoretical knowledge were 50 and 58. After the intervention, the qualified rate of venous blood samples was 99.18%, and the scores of questionnaire and theoretical knowledge were improved, 89 and 82 respectively.
Conclusion   the implementation of quality control circle activities and the completion of management according to various procedures and contents will not only directly enhance the qualified rate of venous blood samples, but also improve the unity and cooperation ability of department members, significantly improve their comprehensive quality and ability level, and achieve sustainable quality improvement, which is worth using.

Key words: quality control circle; Venous blood samples; Qualification rate; application

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王益惠, 朱卉, 丁颖, 万玲玲, 品管圈在提高静脉血标本合格率中的应用研究[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2022; 1: (3) : 139-141.