



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (3) ; 112-114 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200169.

The importance of traditional Chinese medicine application in the construction of "general practice ofexternal treatment of traditional Chinese medicine"

作者: 孙营 *, 刘宁, 张海燕

济南市平阴县中医医院 山东济南

*通讯作者: 孙营,单位:济南市平阴县中医医院 山东济南;

发布时间: 2022-08-02 总浏览量: 325


中药贴敷是中医药的特色技术应用。其制备和加工方法独特,疗效明确。利用中药的特殊药 理特性,外敷可对皮肤粘膜产生局部刺激,也可导致皮肤表面发红或起泡。在中医经络腧穴理论的指导下, 运用于特定的穴位,通过经络的传导深入脏腑,调和气血,治疗内外病,按时治疗,提高治病防病的功效。 本文通过对中药贴敷相关机制与作用进行探讨,分析中药贴敷在“中医外治全科化”建设中的重要性。

关键词: 中药贴敷;中医外治全科化;建设;重要性


the application of traditional Chinese medicine is a characteristic technical application of traditional Chinese medicine. Its preparation and processing method is unique and its curative effect is clear. Taking advantage of the special pharmacological properties of traditional Chinese medicine, external application can cause local irritation to the skin and mucosa, and also cause redness or blistering on the skin surface. Under the guidance of the theory of meridians and acupoints in traditional Chinese medicine, it is applied to specific acupoints to go deep into the viscera through the conduction of meridians, harmonize qi and blood, treat internal and external diseases, treat them on time, and improve the efficacy of treating and preventing diseases. This paper discusses the mechanism and function of traditional Chinese medicine application, and analyzes the importance of traditional Chinese medicine application in the construction of "general practice of external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine".

Key words: traditional Chinese medicine application; General practice of external treatment of traditionalChinese medicine; Construction; importance

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