目的 集束化护理应用于血液病化疗患者便秘的研究。方法 实验于 2021 年 1 月-2022 年 1
月期间选择 92 例因血液类疾病前来我院血液科进行就诊的病人进行调研,参与本次调研病人接接受化疗
治疗,在治疗期间搭配护理干预。按照护理模式进行分组,每组均纳入 46 例病人。分别命名为常规组与
研究组。常规组所采用的护理方案为传统常规护理,研究组则采用集束化护理。总结与探究 2 种护理方案
实施效果。结果 常规组护理满意评分结果与研究组护理满意评分结果对照,前者较低后者高,两组对照
差异明显,(P<0.05)。常规组便秘发生率为 15.22%明显高于研究组的 2.17%,两组对照差异明显,
(P<0.05)。常规组病人首次排便时间明显长于研究组,两组对照差异明显,(P<0.05)。结论 集束化护理方
关键词: 集束化护理;血液病;化疗;便秘;
Objective To study the application of cluster nursing in constipation of patients with
hematological diseases undergoing chemotherapy. Methods during the period from January 2021 to January 2022,
92 patients who came to the Department of Hematology of our hospital for treatment due to blood diseases were
selected for investigation. The patients who participated in this investigation received chemotherapy and were
matched with nursing intervention during the treatment period. According to the nursing mode, 46 patients were
included in each group. They were named as normal group and study group respectively. The routine group adopted
traditional routine nursing, while the study group adopted cluster nursing. Summarize and explore the
implementation effect of two nursing schemes. Results the scores of nursing satisfaction in the routine group were
lower than those in the study group, and the latter was higher. There was significant difference between the two
groups (p<0.05). The incidence of constipation in the routine group was 15.22%, which was significantly higher
than 2.17% in the study group. There was significant difference between the two groups (p<0.05). The first
defecation time of patients in the routine group was significantly longer than that in the study group, and there was
significant difference between the two groups (p<0.05). Conclusion the cluster nursing program has excellent
effect in the nursing of chemotherapy patients with hematological diseases, and can alleviate constipation. This
program is worthy of clinical application and popularization.
Key words: cluster nursing; Blood diseases; Chemotherapy; Constipation;
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