



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (3) ; 52-54 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200149.

A qualitative study on the pressure of nursing human resource management in operating room under thetwo child policy

作者: 胡琴琴, 汪婉君, 曾玉 *

南昌大学第一附属医院 江西南昌

*通讯作者: 曾玉,单位:南昌大学第一附属医院 江西南昌;

发布时间: 2022-08-02 总浏览量: 303


目的 本论文对具有一定手术室护理管理工作经验的护士长采用质性研究中的半结构式进行深 入访谈。方法 访谈受访者,根据现象学分析法进行分析总结。结果 总结人力资源管理压力的主要影响因 素可以为:生育压力、工作时长过长、夜班、排班受限、护理工作难度大、工作压力大、工作节奏快。结 论 在全面开放“二孩”的政策下,人力资源短缺是婚育期护士生活与工作不平衡的重要原因之一。 同时, 婚育期护士聚集在很大一定程度上增加了术室护理人力资源管理压力。因此,科室护士长需对管理中面临 的压力的挑战有预见性,提前调查、了解本科室护理人员婚育情况,有计划完善机动护士库存,实现人力 资源优化配置。

关键词: 二孩政策;压力;质性研究;人力资源管理;手术室护理


Objective This topic conducted in-depth interviews with head nurses who have certain operating room nursing management experience using the semi-structured method in qualitative research.
Methods Interview respondents, analyze and summarize according to phenomenological analysis method.
Results The main influencing factors of human resource management pressure were summarized as follows: reproductive pressure, long working hours, night shifts, limited shift scheduling, difficult nursing work, high work pressure, and fast work rhythm. Managers can report the recent workload, number of personnel, vacations, etc., analyze and predict the potential shortage of human resources in the department, make timely deployment, and supplement the optimal allocation of manpower in a timely manner.
Conclusion   Under the policy of fully opening "two children", shortage of human resources is one of the important reasons for the imbalance between nurses' life and work during marriage and childbearing. At the same time, the gathering of nurses during marriage and childbirth has increased the pressure on human resource management of nursing in the operating room to a large extent. Therefore, the head nurse of the department needs to foresee the pressure and challenges faced in management, investigate and understand the marriage and childbirth situation of the nursing staff in the undergraduate room in advance, and have a plan to improve the inventory of mobile nurses to realize the optimal allocation of human resources.

Key words: stwo child policy; Pressure; Qualitative research; Human resource management; Operatingroom nursing

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胡琴琴, 汪婉君, 曾玉, 二孩政策下手术室护理人力资源管理压力的质性研究[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2022; 1: (3) : 52-54.