



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (3) ; 19-21 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200138.

Application and monitoring of ECMO and CRRT rescue therapy in critically ill patients in ICU
ECMO 联合CRRT 抢救治疗在 ICU 危重患者中的应用及监护

作者: 范春 *, 刘琴, 张学杰, 饶兴发

黔西南州人民医院重症医学科 贵州兴义

*通讯作者: 范春,单位:黔西南州人民医院重症医学科 贵州兴义;

发布时间: 2022-08-02 总浏览量: 316


目的 总结 6 例应用体外膜肺氧合(E xtraeorporeal M em brane Oxygenation,ECMO )联合连续 肾脏替代(Continuous renal replacement,CRRT)治疗在危重患者抢救治疗中的应用及监护经验。方法 2020 年 10 月至 2022 年 5 月,对我科采用 ECMO 联合 CRRT 抢救 6 例患者,爆发性心肌炎 3 例、感染性休克 1 例、混合性休克 1 例、心源性休克 1 例,在应用 ECMO 联合 CRRT 期间,积极给予系统化护理措施。结 果 治疗后,循环及氧供逐渐稳定, 治疗分别 为 128 小时、295 小时、11 小时、190 小时、135 小时、166 小时。结论 ECMO 联合 CRRT 抢救危重患者主要目的在于恢复稳定的自主循环、改善肺部气体交换功能, 治疗时间长,需强化管理,做好病情监测,做好采样实验室检查,维持正常的凝血功能,规范操作,保障 仪器设备正常运转,系统化护理措施是治疗成功的有力保障[3]。

关键词: 体外膜肺氧合 ;连续肾脏替代 ;ICU 危重患者;监护


Objective To summarize the application and monitoring experience of 6 patients combined with E xtraeorporeal M em brane Oxygenation (ECMO) and Continuous renal replacement (CRRT) in the rescue treatment of critically ill patients.
Methods From October 2020 to May 2022, ECMO and CRRT were used to rescue 6 patients, explosive myocarditis, infectious shock, mixed shock and cardiogenic shock. ECMO and CRRT.
Results After the treatment, the circulation and oxygen supply were gradually stabilized at 128,295,11,190,135, and 166 hours, respectively.
Conclusion   ECMO combined CRRT rescue of critically ill patients the main purpose is to restore stable autonomous circulation, improve the lung gas exchange function, treatment time is long, need to strengthen management, condition monitoring, sampling laboratory examination, maintain normal coagulation function, normal operation, ensure the normal operation of equipment, systematic nursing measures is a powerful guarantee of successful treatment of [3].

Key words: extracorporeal membrane lung oxygenation; continuous kidney replacement; ICU criticalpatients; monitoring

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范春, 刘琴, 张学杰, 饶兴发, ECMO 联合CRRT 抢救治疗在 ICU 危重患者中的应用及监护[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2022; 1: (3) : 19-21.