



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (2) ; 44-46 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200080.

Analysis on the causes of centrifugal damage of blood bag and preventive measures

作者: 侯艳玲 *

吉林省公主岭市中心血站 吉林公主岭

*通讯作者: 侯艳玲,单位:吉林省公主岭市中心血站 吉林公主岭;

发布时间: 2022-07-02 总浏览量: 360


目的:研究血袋离心破损原因,并针对原因制定预防措施。方法:对中心血站 2019 年到 2020 年血袋离心破损原因进行总结和分析。2019 年到 2020 年本中心血站制备成分血 8721 袋。2019 未采取措施, 2020 年采取措施,对比 2019 年和 2020 年离心破损率,分析血袋破损部位。结果:2019 未采取措施离心破 损率为 0.76%,其中全血占 0.29%,血浆占 0.48%。2020 年采取措施后离心破损率为 18%,其中全血占 0.07%, 血浆占 0.11%。采取措施后离心破损率降低,(P>0.05)。2019 年到 2020 年中血袋破损部位主要包括血袋边 缘破裂、袋体不规则裂口以及覆盖管破损,导管断裂。结论:做好工作人员业务能力培训,保证综合能力, 定期整理当前存在的问题,并及时解决,从根本上减少血袋离心破损率。

关键词: 血袋;离心破损;原因;预防措施;分析


Objective:To study the causes of centrifugal damage of blood bags and formulate preventive measures.
Methods: To summarize and analyze the causes of blood bag centrifugal damage in the central blood station from 2019 to 2020. From 2019 to 2020, the blood station of the center will prepare 8721 bags of component blood. No measures were taken in 2019. Measures were taken in 2020 to compare the centrifugal damage rate in 2019 and 2020 and analyze the damaged parts of blood bags.
Results: the breakage rate of centrifugation without measures in 2019 was 0.76%, of which whole blood accounted for 0.29% and plasma 0.48%. After taking measures in 2020, the breakage rate of centrifugation will be 18%, of which whole blood accounts for 0.07% and plasma accounts for 0.11%. After taking measures, the centrifugal damage rate decreased (P > 0.05). From 2019 to 2020, the damaged parts of the blood bag mainly include the broken edge of the blood bag, the irregular crack of the bag body, the damage of the covering tube and the breakage of the catheter.
Conclusion  : do a good job in the professional ability training of the staff, ensure the comprehensive ability, regularly sort out the existing problems and solve them in time, so as to fundamentally reduce the centrifugal damage rate of blood bags.

Key words: blood bag; Centrifugal damage; reason; Preventive measures; analysis

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侯艳玲, 浅谈血袋离心破损原因分析及预防措施[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2022; 1: (2) : 44-46.