



Open Access Article

Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (2) ; 29-31 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200075.

Analysis of common nursing hazards and preventive measures of emergency department nurses inpre-hospital emergency care

作者: 丰顾阳 *, 顾晓妹, 潘柳欣

如皋博爱医院 江苏南通

*通讯作者: 丰顾阳,单位:如皋博爱医院 江苏南通;

发布时间: 2022-07-02 总浏览量: 310


目的:探究分析急诊科护士院前急救常见护理隐患分析及预防对策。方法:选取于 2019 年 1 月至 2021 年 1 月,我院急诊科院前急救的 120 例患者的病例档案,作为本次研究对象。探究分析在该时间 段内,我院急诊科院前急救出现的问题以及存在的隐患,根据问题与隐患制定出有针对性的预防对策。对 比实施预防措施后患者及其家属的满意率。结果:经探究分析后,我院制定出了详细的对策以及预防方法, 有效提升了急诊科护士的前瞻性,以及对于紧急情况的应急能力,降低了在院前急救过程中意外情况发生 的概率。同时提升了患者及其家属的满意率。结论:定期对急诊科院前急救的过程进行分析探讨,能够及 时发现问题,并予以解决,不仅能够对以往的经验进行总结,同时能够提升急诊科护理的综合水准,消除 护理隐患。

关键词: 急诊科护士;院前急救;护理隐患;预防对策


Objective: To explore and analyze the analysis of common nursing hazards and preventive countermeasures of nurses in the emergency department.
Methods: From January 2019 to January 2021, the case files of 120 patients who were in the emergency department of our hospital were selected as the subjects of this study. Explore and analyze the problems and hidden dangers in the pre-hospital emergency department of our hospital during this time period, and formulate targeted preventive countermeasures according to the problems and hidden dangers.
Results: After exploring and analyzing, our hospital has developed detailed countermeasures and prevention methods, which effectively improves the forward-looking of emergency department nurses, as well as the emergency response ability, and reduces the probability of unexpected situations in the pre-hospital emergency treatment process.
Conclusion  : Regular analysis and discussion of the process of pre-hospital emergency treatment in the emergency department can find problems in time and solve them, which can not only summarize the past experience, but also improve the comprehensive level of emergency department nursing and eliminate nursing hidden dangers.

Key words: Emergency department nurse; pre-hospital first aid; nursing hazards; preventive measures

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丰顾阳, 顾晓妹, 潘柳欣, 急诊科护士院前急救常见护理隐患分析及预防对策[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2022; 1: (2) : 29-31.